On Platform 9 3/4...

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A/N I dont own any characters, all right to Rick Riordan and J.K Rowling... I hope you actually enjoy this trash! 😸 Also, I keep my promises, Franks up next!


     When I ran into the wall, I was bracing myself for an embarrasing crash, fortunately, that didnt happen. I just smoothly ran through it and saw a sign indicating that i made it through. When everyone arrived, Will said, "What does it say? I read wleomce ot oHrwtsag ssxerp."
"It says Welcome to Hogwarts Express." I replied. And we got on to the train...


    We got on the train and found a compartment on the back, and heck it was big. It could fit about 18 people. We sat on the train. I chatted with Nico, Percy, Jason, and Thalia argued about whos dad was best, Annabeth had her nose in a book, Piper was doing more braids in her hair, and Frazel was chatting about something. "How do you think Pig farts is like?" I asked Nico, "I dont know, maybe we can find some other demigods there, or may-" then 3 people showed up...


     Harry, 'Mione, and I went to find a compartment, but all of them were full. Ginny went to sit with some of her friends. We scouted for an apartment when we found ten teens sitting, there was room for 8 more people and we were 3. "Hey, I reccon we ask them. We can sit there. There is room." "No duh." Said Harry. Then Hermione knocked. One of them opened the door. He looked like a tougher version of Harry. He had a tan, sea green eyes, black hair that had probably never seen a comb before, and muscle. "Wassup." He said, "Looking for a compartment? We have room here." "Thanks." Said Harry, "We appreciate it." So we sat down. A girl who was sitting next to tough 'Harry' said, "Guys, introduce yourselves, Im Annabeth Chase." "Im Percy." Said tough 'Harry', "Thats Nico, Thalia, Jason, Piper, Will, Frank, Hazel, and thats Le-" "Im Leo Mcshizzle Bad boy supreme Captain hotstuff Valdez, glad to meet ya!" Said a scrawny latino elf looking dude. Hermione laughed, "Im Hermione Granger. Thats Ron Weasley and you already know Harry."
They all stared blankly, "How could you not know him?" I asked "Oh, in America, he must not be too famous. But I read about you, thats Harry Potter guys." A lot of "Oh's" and "I knew thats" chorused the room, "Its fine if you dont know me, i dont mind. Thanks for letting us sit here." And with that, we talked and talked...

A/N WOW! 468 Words! This was trash but thanks for reading. You thought i was gonna make Harry a brat, well NOT TODAY! I mean, it would have been funny but poor Harry isnt like that. No quiz today, im sorry. I hate to go, Bye peeps!

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