What if...

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A/n : yes I know I haven't posted much but please know that I'm trying, the thing is it's really hot out and recently my dog has been diagnosed with cancer so it's been hard to get this done, but do know that all this bad stuff is not going to get in my way and I will try to get back to posting more often.  

Thanks for understanding ☺️

Now enjoy the chapter.

" well do you wanna try and find her we know that she lives in Toronto ". I ask well looking at him.

Otp: but you don't know what street she lives on.

" hmm keep looking, maybe we can find where she works".  

He starts to scroll through stoping every once and awhile to read, then something grabs my attention.

"Stop!". I say with a yell.

Tweek jumps and stops, I point at the small screen of my phone " there she works at The mall".

Otp: Yeah but we can't afford it.

" I guess you're right ".

( Time skip )

I know that Tweek wants to do this, but he is right we can't afford that,yet again we can try and save up I can  get extra sifts and try and do more, I walk home and continue to think of what I can do. Soon I get home then walk in.

"Hey mom".

"hey ".

I run up the stairs and go into my room, I dig through my closet until I find my gator, I strum it and it still sounds good so I grab a cup.

" if you need me I'm on Main Street ". I say before shutting the door.

I walk down to Main Street then sit on the side walk and start playing, I clear my throat then I set my cup down beside me, I haven't done something like this sense my talent show in grade four, hopefully I still got it.

🎶  every time that you get undressed, I hear symphonies in my head, I wrote this song just looking at you 🎶.

I continue to sing and people start to walk and drop money in my cup 

🎶and the trumpets go do do do do Yeah the trumpets gooooo🎶

Every time I hear this song I think of Tweek, I smile to myself, I never thought I would be ever doing this again, sing on the street was not on my bucket list, I geuss love is like that you never think you'll do things like this until you find that person.

After a while I noticed that there was a crowd around me, I hope thy will give me at least a few sense.

( Tweek pov)

I leave my appointment and head to Main street for some  groceries and to wander around in General , I get up to Main Street and do my shopping then when I was window shopping, I noticed a crowd.

'What's going on '. I think to myself.

As I got closer I heard music, someone singing to be exact.

🎶so it weird that I hear violins when ever your gone, is it weird if your ass reminds me of a  Kanye west.🎶

Do I know the person, they have a odd voice but it's good, I started to move my body into the crowd, but I got stuck in the middle.

🎶is it weird that I hear trumpets when ever your turning me on🎶

I sat in the middle for a minute just listening, I love this song it is one of my favourites. Soon the song ends and everyone starts clapping and I clap for them to,people start to walk away so that gives me a chance to cut through the crowd, I get to the front and see Craig, my checks get red, my hart pounding, why's he here.

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