Monday to be Exact

175 11 4

An( I never confirmed the time of year but it's kinda close to may and April.)

  The next morning, it was a Monday to be  exact, the morning was cold that was odd,sense the time of year but I'm not complaining. I get to the bus stop, and he is standing there, the guy that knows all of the darkest secrets I have, I stand next to him but given us some  space, my gaze stays on the sidewalk.


By the way, I was going to pee myself, Jesus Christ my hart can't take this.

"Your secrets are safe with me, and I hope that all mine are safe with you".

I grab his hand and set his fingers on my lips then mouth the words 'Craig's secrets are safe with me'.

"How did you learn how to say my name or more importantly all of the other words".

I dig through my bag and find my pad of paper and pen and begin to write.

Otp:I've been practicing.

He sets his hand on my hand,and ruffled my hair and said "what a good student you are".

We get on the bus and sit in are regular seats in the middle of the bus, I sit at the window and Craig sits on the outside, we get to the school then get to are lockers. I get my books and head to my  first class early and take my set,then someone comes in my eye look in the  Direction of the door.

My hart stopped and I see him,he is the hottest guy I have ever seen, I have had a crazy big crush on this guy sense I know I was gay, he's tall and nice,he is super strong, his history is not the best but who cares, when I'm with him I'm just a raspberry. Kenny.

"Hay Tweek, how's it going my dude".

He takes a seat in the front of me, in Craig's seat to be  process, he rests his head in his arms and looks at me, his soft blue eyes shot through my soul.

Otp:oh I'm fine how you.

He finished reading then gives me a weird look,I pull it back to me and read.

Otp: oh,shit sorry I mean how are you.

"You know what Tweek, you're my favourite mute".

  Otp: thanks 

" Hay, How is your voice training going".

Otp:it's going great, Craig has been really  nice to help me, he's a nice guy.

He doesn't respond back,and my brain goes into overdrive, did I say something wrong,what if he hates me now. But then I realized something his hand was on my head he ruffled my hair,then he smiled at me, and oh shit my face turns to a tomato.all human functions are gone I'm now a nodal.

He stands up but before leveling his kisses my forehead . I was screaming in my hand and when he leaves I face plant in my desk I was shaking my body was jelly, he kissed my forehead,HE KISSED MY FOREHAND.


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