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" boys go for a shower". Tweeks mom says.

Tweek gets up and goes to the trailer gets some clothes and a  towel, I do the same, we walk to the showers, we go to opposite ends of the room and change and get into opposite showers, we clean  are selfs and we get out, we get dressed and leave.

As we where walking I could smell Tweek he smelled like coconut.

( Time skip)

It was late the night sky was full bloom, we where all around a fire, Tweek was wearing Cookie Monster pj bottoms with a shirt that had the word ' cookie' on it.

As the night progresses it begins to get cold, so Tweek gets a blanket, so now he was a potato in a camping chair, he was so cute that way, he just looked so happy and at peace.tweek looked at me.

Otp: what.

" nothing".

My sister walks up to Tweek rubbing her eyes, she lets out a yon.

" Tweek can you please tuck me in." My sister says, her voice low and sleepy

Tweek gets out of his spot and walks her to the trailer as he does Tweeks mom leans twoerd me.

" he's always been good with kids".

I nod.

( Tweek POV ).

I begin to walk Tricia to the trailer I open the door and let her in she jumps onto the bed that was also the table, I lift the blanket so she could get under it, I ruffle her hair as a way to say goodnight.

I leave the trailer and go back to my spot and rapped myself into the blanket. As sometime passes I begin to get ready tiered so I head to bed, when I get in the trailer I realize how warm it was inside,I  turn down the heat and go to bed. I was just about to fall asleep when I couldn't take it anymore I take off my pjs and then I just go to sleep in my underwear.

It was so nice and cool, I fall asleep in a snap.

( Craig POV) 

In the middle of the night I was the only one up, I turned to face my sister, she was fast asleep.

I get up quietly go to the room where Tweek was sleeping, he was on the bottom  bunk all the rest where full of tools and fishing gear.

"Tweek" I say Whispering.

" Tweek". I say 


He opens his eyes slowly but then they shut.

" tweeeeeeeeeeeeek"

He grunts and opens his eyes, he gives me a tired look and grabs his pad of paper.

Otp: what.

" come outside with me".

 Otp: why.

"Just cuz I said, please".

Otp: but it's cold outside.

And with that he rolled over, I sat there for a while thinking what I could do to make him get up, then it hit me.

" If you come outside with me, I'll give you my sweater so you don't get cold".

Otp: fine but only because I need to use the bathroom.

He gets up and I see that he wasn't wearing his pjs, and my  heart pounds, my face felt like it was on fire.

" where's your pjs".

Otp: it was hot so I took them off.

I take off my sweater and through it at him,he put on my sweater and stands and walked, his steps where slow and full of tiredness, quietly we sneak out and head to the bathrooms, I look at  Tweek,my sweater draped over him, he looked so cute.

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