In an afternoon

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I wake up and roll over, the morning bright in my eyes, my eyebrows  contort in discomfort, I try to go full starfish and then I do I kick somebody, they grunt then slap me on the lag, I rub my eyes open them,and look in the Direction of where the smak come from,I see Tweek, he was out cold; his body was rapped around a chunk of the blanket, he looked like he was really comfy.

I find myself staring at him,his messy hair was all over his face, his freckled covered nose,I skoot myself closer to him, I watch as he bites his lip, his face scrunches, he bares has face in the blanket, he skeezes the blanket tighter,a soft grunt, sometime passes and I end up falling asleep again. As I slowly begin to wake up I hear my door open slowly. I think nothing of it until I feel them jump on the bed, Tweek didn't seem bothered by it so I ignore it too.

I feel the person stand then stumble but get their ground, I feel them take some steps to the side of the bed where Tweek was sleeping, I open my eyes just enough for me to see my sister jump on Tweek. Hey 

Tweek jolts awake, I could tell he was supposed because his breath was fast, his eyes wide open and his body was shaking a little, my sister laughs at tweeks reaction of being jumped on,slowly she  crawls in to the shaky boys lap, she closely examines the boys face,Tricia starts touchinghis nose, her face filled with blush.

" your cute". My sister says 

Tweek reached for his pad of paper and pen then began to write, my sister looked at me confuse, then back at Tweek who was holding his pad of paper up at her hight so she could see it. 

Otp: um thanks, but aren't you a little too young to be saying that.

" why do you say that".

My sister then crossed her arms.

Otp: aren't you like six.

" no". She says in a whiny voice.

( time skip, because I'm lazy).

Tweek was sitting at the kitchen table well I made us some lunch,my mom was working so I was babysittin, my sister comes out of her room and sits down at the table, she then turns her attention to Tweek who was resting his head on his han beginning to fall asleep.

"Tweek". My sister says in a questioning voice.


"Why don't you talk".

Otp:I'm a mute.

"Oh, do you think you will ever be able to talk".

Otp:no idea. 

I could see that Tweek didn't want to be bothered with all of the questions,but he just sits there, that guy has a lot more  patients then I do,I wanna just told her to go to her room, I grab the pot of stow and  divided it into three Bowls, then I set them on the table, Tweek gabs a bowl and a spoon and begins to eat, about six spoon full later he gives me a thumbs up, I smile at his compliment.

I have noticed something, even though Tweek can not talk, he seems to be getting the most out of life, he only talks when needed, so that makes his words more important, I find myself remembering the things that he says and applying that to my life, and the way I do.

The rest of the weekend gose by in a flash and I end up walking Tweek home,before he walked into his house he turns to me.

Otp: since you have had me over at your house so many times, my mom said that you can come camping with me and my family, by the way bring a helmet. 

" ok cool".


A/n. Hi I'm just going to be here for a second but I wanna say that I have a posting  schedule .

Monday, Tuesday Wednesday,Thursday Friday, Saturday but not Sunday because I Need time to plan the chapters. K thx for the support love all of ya.

                                                                    So cute

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                                                                    So cute. Not my art.

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