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**finn's pov**

The seatbelt-off light dings green due to the turbulence of the airplane stopping and allowing a smooth sail, as I tiredly unlock the belt from around my waist, yawning a loud yawn after only falling asleep for maybe an hour, feeling the corners of my lips nearly cracking apart due to how dry they were, Millie's eyes darting over to glance at me from staring intently out of her raised window, the morning sun still glowing its reddish, orange light throughout the scattered white, puffy clouds around us.

Her tan, thin fingers styled with pretty rings reflecting a sparkle of light from one of them coated with diamonds, that she'd grabbed from my nightstand that she'd accidentally left sitting there in a neat pile weeks earlier, as she grabs a hold of both red-colored Dr. Dre Beats headphones, removing them from her ears and allowing them to rest around her neck.

"Did you sleep well while you got the chance? You looked somewhat comfortable for a little while, there." Millie inquires sweetly with a timid wink, as I smile from ear-to-ear in response at her cute words, confirming her question by nodding my head with content and then resting my eyes once more, transitioning my head from pressing against the back of the seat to her shoulder, cradling against her.

"I most definitely did," I admit truthfully, the sound of my voice turning hoarse due to the exhaustion that I still have, as her lips slowly approach me to hover them over mine, the sight of her attributes barely visible because of how squinted my eyes were. I open them a little bit more to see her distinctly, as she discreetly kisses my right cheek, the way that the back of my head was positioned in front of her not allowing anyone to witness it.

The happiness evident in her eyes for the first time since that I've seen since I reunited with her after she disappeared, causes my heart to internally melt, my hands oh so comfortably resting around her small waist, hers slightly clasped around my neck.

"You wanna meet me in the bathroom in five minutes?" She whispers into my ear daringly, as I feel my body freeze in place because of the suggestive look that displayed in her eyes, unsure if that were the best idea while she observes my stunned reaction, smirking so widely that her dimple caved in the deepest I've ever seen it do.

"Mills...is that really something that we should consider right now?" I question her sincerely, eyeing her with an eyebrow raised, as her smirk softens a little bit. "I think so. Who's gonna notice us if we do?" She whispers into my ear again, the mellowness of her lips trailing down to start lovingly kissing my neck, as I fight back the urge to want to give in to her tempting offer.

"Everyone who's sitting around us is gonna notice," I respond like it was obvious while referring to the fellow passengers who sat awake in their seats beside, in front, and behind us, all of them either sitting there silently or scrolling through their phones, as my joking response makes her laugh against my neck, the warmth of her breath cooling the kiss she'd left.

"Hm, maybe, you're right. I guess we'll just have to wait until later." Millie sighs in defeat as she fully releases her grip on me, shrugging her shoulders dramatically while speaking in a slightly sneering tone, the width of her small back sinking back completely against her seat, a smile creeping onto my face as she does so.

"Aw, come on...don't be like that. I think that we can have fun right here, can't we?" I suggest curiously followed by her crushed reaction, leaning down to grab her wrist to pull her towards me again by resting it on my neck before her big, brown eyes suddenly trail away from mine.

She pulls her covered wrist out of my grasp for the second time, as I eye her with concern, glancing down at her it intently and then back up at her, the greatest look of hesitance plastered all over her face. "Millie, let me see your wrist," I advise her promptly, as she slightly shakes her head in defeat, the smallest frown on forming her lips as she begins to pull back the sleeve.

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