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**finn's pov** (six days later)

*one week and five days after Millie's disappearance*

"Hawkins may suffer some scattered thunderstorms throughout the entire day, as we'll have a sixty percent chance of rain just a little after eleven o'clock this morning, then once the afternoon approaches, our chances are gonna lower down to thirty percent, and then when it hits roughly three o'clock PM, we're gonna have a ninety percent chance by the middle of today." The weatherman spoke enthusiastically over the television as part of the morning report on the Hawkins Daily News, as myself plus all of my friends weakly
sat on both of the couches in my living room, none of us speaking aloud after our seventh night in a row of searching the entire town.

We've been looking for her every day and night for the past week straight.

It hasn't even felt like almost two weeks since she vanished, if anything, it's felt more like ten years.

My stomach unsettlingly churns nauseously, something that it's been doing quite often this past week worse than ever because of the amount of time that she's been gone for, the chances of her being okay and safe growing slimmer, and because of all of the horror stories that I've heard after someone goes missing for at least seventy-two hours.

They say they never find them after that.

None of us want to be the one to speak first, as Gaten loudly sighs over the background dialogue of the morning news channel, laying his head on Maddie's lap, breaking the silence for the first time amongst us in at least an hour since we arrived at my house for a break to sit down and relax a little.

My sore throat, from screaming, yelling, and crying for almost two weeks nonstop, tightens roughly from the urge to release all of my built up emotions, a stinging sensation aching  through out both of my eyes as the tears made their way out.

"And they haven't said anything else?" Noah slowly breaks the silence a few moments later, referring to the Hawkins police about obtaining any new information about Millie, as I shake my head disappointingly at that same question I've been asked at least the hundred times in a row, the task to do so not getting any easier, as the tears fall alas.

Each day just gets harder than the next, it seems like.

I'm an absolute wreck without Millie.

There's no use to anything anymore.

We all know deep down that the chances of her still being out there are just growing little to none.

"It's like everyone just forgot about her. Oh, she goes missing, but it's only important for the first couple of fucking days, then it's just old news. Now, they'd rather be telling the whole city of Hawkins when it's gonna fucking rain next!" I can't help but bitterly and so angrily spew to the point where I nearly laugh, venting out into the open after the thought was haunting me, as the entire room fills with tension strong enough to be smelled, no one knowing what to say or think.

We've been at a loss for words as a group for the past few days, anyway.

None of us know how to move on without her.

Hell, we can't move on without her, and that's why we haven't.

I know that I never will be able to.

"Finn, fuck Hawkins, they never pay attention to the important stuff that's really going on and we've all known this. Look, the only people who are willing to go look for her anymore is her own family, yours, and the six of us. That's it. Everyone else is unaccounted for now, but that doesn't mean that we are." Gaten encourages positively, just like he always tries to do in shit situations like these.

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