
1.6K 56 95

a/n: 1k in four days?? i'm so grateful, bless upppppp

by the way, there's a little sugar, spice and something nice in this chapter so forewarning if you're sensitive about kissing, it gets a little heated so

**finn's pov**

I awkwardly bend my tall body over to examine a neck pillow protected by box-shaped cardboard on the lowest metal shelf, as I read over what it could produce, which included a built in neck-massager.

"Ooh, this would be convenient to have on the flight. I think I'm gonna buy it." I report to Millie from a few feet away in the secluded aisle of our local grocery store, as she approaches me to see what I picked up, adjusting the ruffles of her pink, floral blouse.

"Nice, you should get it." She encourages, bumping her small hip into mine, as she then walks back over to what she was looking at. My feet follow after her, as I approach a row that had towels, rags, loofas, and bath products stacked in an organized alignment on both sides of us.

"We should probably get some travel-size stuff, like shampoo, body washes, all that shit," I suggest simply, her somewhat tilting back to laugh at me, her bright smile making my heart flutter, as she reaches her hand back to hold mine, the charms of her bracelet clinking together as we walk over to the next aisle of items interlocked.

"You're definitely right, I'm not using the shit they give you at the hotel. Every time I use their shampoo, my hair ends up feeling like hay." Millie complains in revulsion, not looking up from scanning her eyes all over what was in the aisle, nothing that we could buy for our trip noticeably placed where we were, as we both walk towards another part of the store to seek.

I'm very surprised that all of our parent's said yes within the same day of us asking, especially considering what we asked for. That definitely had me caught off guard but in the best way possible, of course.

"I seriously can not believe that we all get to go to Hawaii in two weeks. I mean, what are the chances of that happening? I sincerely doubted we'd be able to even go when you first called me." I ask in amazement, surprised that all of this worked out just like we'd anticipated for before admitting my initial thoughts. "Oh, I didn't either. I positively thought we wouldn't be able to go." She laughs truthfully, corresponding with me altogether.

Nick was really nice to offer to come with us. He even explained to me in the midst of asking that he did have upcoming plans for the next two weeks, but he blew whatever it was off for my sake.

I think Millie and I both have much better relationships with our families now, and it's extremely helpful in both of our cases. I guess one good thing came out of everything that happened.

We trolled around the entire grocery all around at least twice to look around at everything that we could possibly need for our trip. An elderly couple slowly pushed their cart of purchased grocers out of the store in front of us, as I smile at them discreetly, but Millie notices me and gives me the largest puppy eyes accompanied by her pushing out her lower lip so cutely.

The sun beams down onto the top of both of our heads as we exit out into the muggy, sweltering heat, the ability to be able to breathe lessening with each step of our feet towards my baking car, all of the plastic bags clung around my wrists preventing me from being able to grab the car keys out of the back pocket of my blue jeans myself.

"Can you get my car keys out of my pants and unlock it?" I ask Millie desperately, as she immediately puts her entire hand inside of my back pocket, groping my behind through the thick fabric before retracting the keys out.

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