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read if you want a/n: hi, guys! the tutor sequel is officially here! warning: in this story, there will be disturbing content/flashbacks as well as cussing, drug and substance abuse and some forms of triggering content I can't say until it happens.

thank you guys for everything from the last book. if you're back, I hope you enjoy ;)

**millie's pov** (six months later in Hawkins, Indiana.)

I rested my chin against the cool surface of my palm as I read the fifth section of my SAT Prep handbook, nuzzling my feet into the crevice of Finn's thighs, trying so hard to logically think of what the answer to the question it asked was.

"I kind of want something to eat," Finn says out-of-the-blue, making me smile, as I softly exhale a breath in the midst of closing the hardback book that most kids wouldn't dare pick up to go over during the summer, at least not the kids that go to our school.

Finn's academic routine has become mine, too. We work on maintaining our grades and schoolwork together every chance we get. His habits really rubbed off on me with time.

"We ate dinner half an hour ago." I genuinely laugh at the realization, as Finn closes his eyes tightly because of his laughter before he tosses his head back, lightly resting his hand against my right foot. "I know. I've just been hungry today." He admits with a shrug after regaining his soft laughs, before rubbing strokes against the foot his protective hand laid on.

I've been the happiest I've ever been for the last six months, and Finn is the reason.

We've never been closer.

"But you've been hungry every second this entire week...you're probably going through a growth spurt or something. Maybe you're getting taller." I recommend sheepishly, as he playfully rolls his dark brown eyes at me with a soft smile, the crinkles around his plump lips forming into the slightest smirk.

"I already look so lanky as it is, if I get any taller I'm gonna look like a stick figure." Finn half-jokingly giggles, making me laugh, as he carefully moves my feet away from him before he stands up off of the bean bag he'd been sitting across from me in. "Better start going to the gym, then." I retort before I stand up to my feet, tossing the heavy book against the blue bean bag where I had been sitting, as Finn squeezes past me and his wooden dresser to grab the remote control placed on his desk.

"Wanna maybe order a pizza and watch something? We still got three hours til' I gotta drive you home." Finn slightly wraps his arms around me, the bagginess of his plain grey, fuzzy sweater leaning against my sides.

"Sounds perfect. Let me just go to the bathroom really quick." I tell him with a smile, as I plant a kiss on his cheek, the curliness of his jet black hair tickling my forehead when I lean in.

He releases me, as I swiftly exit his bedroom, making my way out into the dim-lit hallway. The hardwood floor brings chills upon my forearms due to the surface pressing against my bare feet, as each step causes a quiet creak in the floor, slightly psyching me out since Finn has told me all about the ghost in his house.

After quickly using the bathroom and washing my hands, I flick the light off, causing the entire hallway to become dark again before cautiously wiping the remaining water droplets soaked in between my fingers against the soft fabric of my black leggings, as I quickly trudge into Finn's bright bedroom, childishly paranoid that there was something behind me because of the darkness, overhearing him ending the call to place in the order for a pizza.

"Hey, the on-demand has Dawn of the Dead! You care if we watch it?" He nearly begs excitedly as soon as I come in, leaning his back against a couple of pillows that matched his blue bed-set, crossing his legs over the comforter before patting his hand against the empty spot next to him. Without thinking about it, I agree, just excited to snuggle up to him closely for over an hour.

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