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a/n: lmaoooo there's a part in this chapter that you'll know what i'm talking about when you get to it, but i swear there isn't any actual smut but there is exposure to smut in a way so just be warned if you're an extra sensitive bean

**finn's pov**

"How's your ankle, Mills?" I urge her from the driver's side of my car after driving in silence for awhile, turning left at the intersection, as she glances up from fiddling with the band-aid stuck her ankle from underneath her knee, resting the bottom of her shoe against her car seat, both of the fronts of her thighs pressing against her chest firmly. 

"Eh, it feels a little better, I guess. I'm mainly just sore from running so far and falling down twice in a row." She answers with a slight shrug, obviously exhausted from being nervous all day, as I can't help but feel insanely bad for her, bringing my hand up to cover the arch of her knee. 

"Yeah, you should feel better within the next couple of days, hopefully. So, how was answering all of the questions he asked and you telling him everything? Were you all right?" I continue to bombard her with yet another question, something I've been doing recently, as she lightly smiles. 

"It was fine...good, in fact. That cop actually made me really comfortable," She admits uprightly, shrugging her shoulders as her chin touches against the top of my hand, on top her knee to rest it, as I move my eyes back toward the busy road, relieved we could finally go back home. 

"Yeah, he was really cool, and I liked it. But hey, we have our suitcases now, so, we should pack a little when we get back. I know that some of your clothes are at my house, and I'm sure there are some things you could want to take with us." I remind her quickly before I got a chance to forget, as she gets an excited expression at the thought, both of us forgetting about everything for just a second. 

"That sounds nice. It'd provide us with something to do to get our mind off of things." Millie nods her head optimistically, a small smile pursed on her pink lips, as I continue driving towards my house, still a couple of minutes away. The glass window on her side of the car glides down, all of the wind snapping us by entering inside of the car, our hair blowing back from the impact. 

With a full space of fresh air to be able to breathe in, I turn left and onto my street, tiny glass shards glistening against the afternoon sun from against the black pavement just beside the curve of the sidewalk, as I notice my parents still weren't home from grocery shopping. 

"They're still not back," I state aloud curiously, shifting into my unoccupied driveway, easing up on the gas and turning my car totally off seconds later. "Maybe, they just stopped somewhere else on the way home or something," Millie suggests simply, as we both exit out of my car and walk towards the front door of my home side-by-side. 

"You're probably right," I blow it off without another thought, as I reach down to sort through my lanyard of different keys, grasping around my house key and inserting it into the rusting lock, turning it powerfully, as the door unlatches before Millie enters inside first. 


We relaxed on the floor of my bedroom a couple of feet apart, our legs folded, gathering different articles of clothing, and placing it neatly in each of our suitcases, sorting through what we wanted to bring and also what we didn't want to bring, as soft music played from my Bluetooth speaker across the room against my old desk, one of Drake's first mixtapes echoing out against the enclosed walls. 

"I love how Drake has always been good, like he's never had a bad phase or missed a beat, everything he makes is just good." Millie stirs up a topic to discuss, as she sustains her eyes on her long, tan fingers neatly smoothing over each bump in the cloth of a t-shirt she held, placing it far down inside of the suitcase. 

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