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a/n: me?? updating three times?? in a day?? within?? twenty four hours?? it's weird for me too, no worries 😉

hope you enjoy!

**finn's pov**

"What time are we leaving, you think?" Millie pokes her head out from hiding underneath the warm, blue comforter to quietly ask me, as I glance down at her cute face, opening my resting eyes as Wheel of Fortune lowly played on my television, our bodies tightly close together.

"I was thinking maybe around noon or something, just so we have a little bit of time to sleep in and relax before we have to go." I respond to her softly, scooting my laid head closer towards hers, against her pillow, nuzzling the sides of our foreheads together.

"That sounds like a great idea," She nods her head slightly against mine, making me laugh, as I smile while closing my eyes again, relieved that she was finally seeming to act a lot more like herself.

When she's herself, she is her best.

"When are you going to tell Sadie and Maddie about all of..uh, that?" I question in relevance to the events from earlier today, as I feel her foot accidentally slide against mine while she was trying to maneuver her legs over my own.

"I don't know, probably some point tomorrow, I will." She guesses tiredly, not caring to have too much though regarding to spread to news, exhaling a little yawn afterward, adorably stretching only her upper body, as she then leans into me more.

After we arrived back to my house after I picked Millie up, we called her parents and explained everything that happened. Of course, they were concerned and wanted to make sure that she was okay, but they did decide to let her stay with us just for the night, just until we filed a police report the next day.

None of us know what to make of what happened earlier today, why people were after Millie, who was after Millie, etc. It just doesn't make sense.

We told my parents about everything, too, and they had no issue letting Millie stay here. They do although have a midnight rule in which Millie has to go sleep in the guest bedroom, and I have to stay in my room.

But we never follow it. Every single time she stays, she sleeps in my bed, and they've never known.

"Alright, guys, five minutes until twelve, okay? Goodnight, you two, I love you both so much!" My mom lightly thuds her knuckle against my door twice in a row, as she reminds us through the wood of my door nicely, awaiting a response before walking completely away.

"Goodnight, love you!" We both respond to her in unison, snuggling closer together for a moment before she had to leave my room, as I bring my fingers up to back of her hair, lightly threading them through the soft strands.

"I really do love your mother, so much. And not a lot of girls with boyfriends or husbands probably get to say that very often." Millie informs me with sincerity, shaking her head she meant it so much, as I smile at the kind words, glad that she'll actually like her mother-in-law, one day.

A moment of silence sweeps by, as I continue caressing Millie's hair, infatuated with the suppleness of each piece, the sweet scent of her shampoo entering my nose.

"I do not want to get up," Millie softly jokes into a whine, laughing softly, as I can feel my eyes grown heavier, the softness of her hair consoling me nearly to sleep.

"Then, don't," I tiredly smirk, knowing my mom wouldn't come back in to check if she'd left, leaning my lips down just an inch to reach hers to peck without having to open my eyes, as the kiss lingers, the tingles still burning the inside of my stomach.

the test subject//fillieWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt