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**finn's pov**

"-Maybe for a week, I was in there every night. I mean, they'd let me out every few hours to go to the bathroom or shower, but mostly anything else was off-limits. Brenner only allowed me to learn the exercises...and that was all I could do up until I escaped just last n-night." Millie timidly responds to Maddie's question, the millionth question combined in total that we've all overbearingly asked her as a group since every single one of Millie's sentences leading into the tale of her journey at this lab truly resulting us all to be confused, only leading to more questions.

"It was so difficult to fall asleep in there, too...on the cold, hard floor with no room to ever move my legs or anything. God, it was awful." She recalls, licking over her pink lips, nearly shuddering as she gazes off into the general distance behind us in pure reminiscence, as we all just continue to painfully remain silent, more than baffled.


A brain experiment?

Dr. Brenner, as in the doctor who helped saved Millie's life from her gunshot wound?

I know that Millie isn't a liar, but at the same time, none of what she's been thoroughly explaining for the past twenty minutes has seemed to make any sort of rational sense.

"-And you had to stay in that tiny room because...you wouldn't kill a cat...for some e-experiment?" Sadie's light colored eyebrows were so furrowed that the lids of her eyes were just barely parted while she inquired in puzzlement, as Millie nervously nods her head, sat down directly from beside me, looking around us as if we all thought that she was madly insane.

None of us had the heart to say it aloud, but I can tell that we're all thinking the exact same thing, which is she went crazy while she was gone, as I try to think of a reason as to how she'd come up with something like this, what could've traumatized her so bad to convince herself that this was real.

Her big, brown eyes slightly tear up, the glossiness of them glowing against the illumination of the mid-morning, pinkish, tangerine and rose-colored sunlight shining in through the giant, clear window placed on the wall across from where we sat on the floor, scattered around.

I mean...that really is some sort of story.

"-And you saw a big, two-legged monster...with sharp teeth inside of its six mouths, so, because the fear that you felt that triggered your powers, you cracked a concrete wall and some metal railings while you were lowered inside of a...water tank? How is that even possible-?" Millie interrupts Caleb's very confused interrogative retaliatory as he reiterated something that she'd already told us, as everyone just blankly stares forward, not knowing how to even react.

"I know that it all sounds extremely crazy, you guys-" She passionately admits while slightly shaking her head in disbelief, readjusting the crossing of her long legs while still leaning against the wall of the waiting area, all of our eyes stuck on her before Gaten interrupts.

"Millie...wait, wait, wait, just slow down for a second. We need a good minute or two to let all of this sink in...I mean, are you for sure being serious right now? You can actually move things...with your mind and...break stuff?" He holds his hand up, facing his pale palm towards her in a way of protest while shaking his golden locks of his hair, as she develops a quirked smile, nodding in confirmation.

"Well, sometimes, I can do it...it depends. Usually, I'm extremely angry when my powers start to act up, but I can use them if I focus really hard and have enough energy...I still have to learn the ropes on how to control them all the time, though...I still can't do that." Millie admits in defeat, as I continue to stare at her unknowingly, so curious to know more about this and how I can understand what any of this even means.

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