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**millie's pov**

How could they have possibly found us again? 

How are they doing this?

I don't spend too much time thinking about it as Finn's thin, lengthy fingers tightly squeeze against mine as we proceed running the fastest that we humanly can down the walkways of the wide, spacious airport, whipping past several; unknowing, wandering passengers preparing to board their own flights and nearly stumbling into them and their luggage, as we do not dare slow down, the bottom of our shoes slapping the marble-tiled floor, each pat causing an echo. 

"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit..." Gaten chants apprehensively, extremely out-of-breath, as we all slightly utter out in panic, too, secondarily averting all of our heads to catch a glimpse of the walking area behind us that the smoke from our shoes nearly left behind, only fellow passengers anywhere in sight around us, no sign of any of the men from Hawkin's Lab anywhere. 

"Our flight board doesn't board for another fifty-two minutes, there's nowhere that we can go!" Sadie declares worriedly through her panted breaths, alarming the rest of us in realization, as we just accelerate the rate of our feet at her words instead of doing anything else, merely running around aimlessly, trying to get the furthest away from the area in which our friends spotted them. 

The bathrooms we could hide in, maybe. 

Hell, where else?

"We have to find somewhere to go, now! Come on, let's go in here!" I yank Finn's hand toward me when I notice the large blue sign with the stick male and female figure on it up above both of the halls that channel into both restrooms on the left side of the airport, parallel to the escalator beside one of the security checkpoints we've already passed through, as my voice elevated into a sharp shout to all of my friends. 

Everyone follows right after my lead, our feet pacing just as quickly as they have been since the commencement of our quick get-away, strangers eyeing us with annoyance and concern as we pass them by, as Finn's reassuring touch regrips his hand, intertwining our fingers tighter as all seven of us huddled closely down the short hallway leading to the wooden door of the women's restroom, each stride causing a suitcase to thud and topple over itself. 

"Fuck, what if someone's in there-?" Gaten worriedly whispers as Finn's hand protectively extends to turn the metal door handle before I could, as I look back at his piercing blue eyes before they flail out of my contact with them when Finn simply smacks him straight in the chest, insinuating for him to just shut up and let him handle it. 

The door creaks ajar, the cool air of the quiet restroom hitting our faces as we scurry inside, nearly plunging over each other, as Sadie, the last one of us, is sure to close it shut behind our entrance before then locking it by turning the metal clockwise, not caring if anyone had to come in to use the facilities since there were other ones scattered across the entire airport. 

Each blue painted stall door remains closed-over, no one else inside of the giant washroom, as we all can't prevent ourselves from bust out an enormous sigh of relief over the soft sound of one of the faucets still dripping water, all of us feeling eased to know that they couldn't come and find us in here if they couldn't get in first. 

Hopefully, they'll think we've already left by now. 

"We're gonna be alright...I mean, guys, the cops are gonna be here anytime, and Finn and I's parents. It's just a matter of time before we'll be okay, a-and we won't have to worry about this anymore." I strongly urge my friends, trying my hardest to look on the bright side of our current circumstance, as we all stand around in front of the four giant sinks, completely winded and panting, Gaten's hands tightly clasped around his bent knees as he stares back at me in agony, the folds of his eyes squinted as he licks over the sweat formed above his lip.

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