I Discover a New Talent

Start from the beginning

"Just my side," he grits out. "Got a deep cut there, probably from a bayonet." 

"Have you been seen by a doctor?" I ask worriedly, and he nods quietly, his eyes still shut. I let out a sigh as I ask him quietly, "Why did you have to go fight?"

He wheezes as he opens his eyes again and holds my gaze. "I thought you were gone for good, so-" He stops abruptly before continuing, "It's better to die this way."

I furrow my brow as I say, "Glory? That's what you want? To die with glory?"

He attempts at a smile, but it falters. "It's not such a bad way to go," he reasons in a weak voice. "At least I'll be remembered." 

I sigh in frustration. If only I could tell him he will be remembered honorably, but not only for fighting in the war. He's going to create the national bank and our currency. He's going to form the Coast Guard and defend and support the Constitution with all of his heart. 

He's going to be the architect of our nation. 

And he doesn't know it yet. 

Hamilton hisses in a breath as he shifts over to allow room for me on the pallet. I wordlessly lay down beside him, our heads mere inches from each other. I turn my head to face him, and as our eyes meet, all the surrounding sounds become muffled and distant. 

His chest rises and falls with every breath. I notice him struggling to keep his eyes open, so I say teasingly, "Just close your eyes." 

He must have realized I was copying his words from that night in the bathroom because he smiles tiredly and replies, "Are you trying to get me to sleep?" 

I grin at his mimicry of my reply. "I just figured it will make you feel better," I counter lightly.

His answering smile makes my heart melt a little, and he finally closes his eyes as he stops fighting sleep. Soon, my own eyes start to grow heavy and drift close, so I snuggle against his uninjured side and allow myself to fall asleep. 


When I drift awake, I find myself resting my head on Hamilton's chest, his arm wrapped around my shoulders. I'm so contently warm and safe, I don't want to get up. I look up at his face to find him still sleeping. His face is smoothed out and relaxed with sleep, making him appear even younger. 

Someone clears their throat nearby, making their presence know, and I sit up slowly, as to not disturb Hamilton, only to see Lafayette sitting in a chair ten feet away, watching me. I blush at the sudden realization that he had seen Hamilton and I sleeping together like that on the pallet. 

I carefully get up from the bed before crossing the ten feet to Lafayette. "Hey," I greet with an embarrassed smile, and he grins brightly at me. 

"Good morning, mademoiselle," he responds warmly. 

I frown as I ask, "What are you doing here?" 

Lafayette chuckles quietly as if expecting this question. "General Washington wanted me to sit here and watch Hamilton in order to ensure he was okay." Another small laugh as he adds, "It seems he was already being cared for." 

I blush again at this. "I didn't mean to fall asleep-" I start, even though I did allow myself to drift off. I suppose I'm telling Lafayette this to defend my virtue. 

Lafayette laughs it off with a dismissive wave of his hand. "Do not be embarrassed. I do it all the time!" 

I can't help the grin that overtakes my face at his reply. Of course, he'd answer it that way. 

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