Brutal yet not so Brutal training! How (Y/N) feels?!

Start from the beginning

Aizawa:" You seem to know how to fight without your quirk just fine. But you still need to learn to use your quirk while fighting."

(Y/N):" Okay."

Aizawa:" Now lets work on that upper body strength."

Hanta's P. O. V
Another day of patrolling.
As I walked the streets I hoped to see (Y/N). But she was no where.

Kami woods:" Are you looking for someone?"

Hanta:" Oh well I was just hoping to see a friend around this area, That's all."

Kami woods:" Is it a girl."

Hanta:" Yeah."

Kami woods:" Do you like this girl?"


Kami woods:" You seem to like her. Your getting all red and bashful. What do you like about her?"

Hanta:" Well she's good at video games, and always seems to avoid dance dance revaluation, after that one time that she almost passed out from dancing for food. Heh, she's very beautiful and I like that she's shown me her true colors, although I don't know a lot about her past she's trying to open up little by little. I also like how her eyes seem to sparkle when she's doing something she loves. And she works really hard and when she eats, she eats in the cutest way. And she's so goofy when it comes to rap songs. "

Kami woods:" man, puppy love."

Hanta:" Gah! I was rambling wasn't I?"

Kami woods:" Yeah you were but tell her how you feel and things might just work out."

Hanta:" Thank you for the advice."

Kami woods:" No problem."

Back to your lovely P. O. V!:

Aizawa:" You have twenty-one more minutes."
Aizawa yelled out to me as I
had been in a plank formation for the last ten minutes. My arms were going to be sore tomorrow.
I sighed and looked at the forest of green in front of me.
I decided to close my eyes and just relax but when I did I felt something on my back.
Aizawa had out a rope on my back with two medium size rocks tied at both ends of the rope. I grunted and continued to stay in my plank formation.

Aizawa:" six more minutes."
I felt like sleeping but the cost
of being a hero means I need to train very hard.

Aizawa:" Times up, rest a bit and you'll try the bars again."

(Y/N):" Yes sir."
I went inside the dojo and
sat down on the floor, I got a water bottle and chugged it down.
I layed down hoping to shower soon.

Aizawa:" Resting time is up!"
I sighed and got up and went outside.
I looked at Aizawa who was ready with his timer.
I walked up to the bars and
waited for his instruction to begin.

Aizawa:" Ready... BEGIN!"
I grabbed the first bar in a uppercut formation as I had done earlier. And this time with ease I pulled myself up. I gasped at how well the planking had worked.

2 seconds gone by
I had passed the next two
doing quick uppercuts.

7 seconds gone by
My hand nearly slipped
due to the sweat on my palms.

12 seconds gone by
I reached up for the last one

(Y/N):" DONE!"

Aizawa:" You had 3 seconds left. Good."

(Y/N):" Now what?"

Aizawa:" Well its almost the evening so get in your Hero costume and lets go patrolling."

Hanta x Reader: I need a friend not a heroWhere stories live. Discover now