Chapter 22: Defend Yourselves From The Villains, A Shocking Turn

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"I don't get it. What is it they want with those two? And what list? Why am I on there?" You wondered in confusion. "Damn it, I hope everyone's okay." You hoped as you flew off.

Meanwhile, 21 was leading the group of students back to the main facility, and as they got back, they saw Aizawa pinning someone face down on the ground. This person was a fairly tall and slim young man who looked to be in his twenties, has dark, spiky hair and turquoise eyes, but his most striking feature was his patchwork face and the major sections of his body that are detailed with sections of skin that are purple colored and deeply wrinkled. Aizawa was using his erasing quirk on him as he wrapped his tape around him.

"Mr.Aizawa!" Iida called as he looked over at them.

"You guys!" Aizawa noticed them as the person he was holding pushed him off and got free.

"As expected of a U.A. teacher. Hey, hero." The villain said as Aizawa tried to pull him towards him, but it looked as if his cloth tore him in half and the villain was made of a mud-like, or strange substance, shocking Aizawa.

"That fire earlier wasn't his quirk?" Aizawa thought.

"I hope you can protect them all till the end. See you later..." The villain said as he melted into a strange mud on the ground.

"Mr.Aizawa! What was that just now?"Mineta yelled as they all ran towards him, but he ran pass them into the forest.

"Get inside! I'll be right back!" He ordered them while running off.

As you were flying, you noticed a change in Aizawa's energy, and felt he was on the move.

"There!" You said as you saw him running down in the forest. "Mr.Aizawa!" You said as you landed down in front of him.

"Y/N-!" He gasped at your injured state of your arms.

"Mr.Aizawa, it's bad out there. There's so much going on I don't know if there's time to explain. But first, I need you to take care of Kota." You said as you gestured to him as he got off your back.

"Alright, what else? Hurry." He said.

"The League of Villains are after students who are on their list. I'm one, but apparently Midoriya and Bakugo are high priority targets as well." You informed him.

"Midoriya and Bakugo?" He asked.

"There's no time, I've gotta help the others. Please, take care of Kota." You said as you dashed off.

"Wait, Y/N!" He yelled as you turned back.

"Did you forget about what happened in Hosu City?" He asked as you remembered the police chief's words to you.

"For uncertified individuals to cause injury with their quirks without specific instruction from their guardians or supervisors is clear violation of the rules." Those words rang through your head as you gritted your teeth.

"But-!" You spoke as he cut you off again.

"So tell Mandalay this..." He said to you as were shocked at the words he told you to pass on.


"AHHHHHH!!!!!" Spinner screamed as he was tossed into a tree and face planted on the ground.

"All right, the ugly lizard man is out of the way, now to deal with this failure of a man." Ryu said as he stepped towards Mag.

"I'm a woman." Mag retorted as Ryu was shocked a bit.

"O-Oh, oh you are. Well, I have to say, that makes you ten times as ugly now." Ryu said as he punched her across the face.

As Ryu was dealing with her, Pixie-Bob and Mandalay were dodging the attacks of Spinner who had just gotten up from the ground.

The Symbol Of Hope: My Hero Academia x Male ReaderKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat