Hello my name is....

53 4 2

Lies? I call it improvising!



They walked into the black minivan and took there seats. Of course they had to take two of the cars.

Britney Nix and Xander and Drew rode in the car with Britney's kids. Elsa sat shotgun while Teresa won of the nannies drove.

"Britney let him be. He's trying to sleep." Drew brushed her hair behind her neck.

"Don't touch me. You slept with that blond bimbo and expect me to come back? No. I want you to say your sorry and that you regret it at least!" Britney hissed through her teeth.

Xander wrapped his hand around Nix.

"Don't worry your sweating babe." Xander whispered.

"I'm tired..." Nix fell asleep on Xander's shoulder.


The cars pulled into a little strip mall with a farmers market feel.

Strollers were unloaded and sleeping kids buckled.

"Britney Nichola Livy Maddy! Come with me and let the boys go shop or eat!" Elsa ushered them along as Teresa smiled at Nix.

"Hi, I'm Teresa 15 years old and the nanny. Come with me I get a discount at Katylins Outlet. You'll love it." Nix was confused I mean she knew she was supposed to be nice so she did,

"Hey I'm Ni- I'm Nichola. Yeah just let me-" Teresa cut her off.

"Elsa! Me and Nichola are going over to Katylins Outlet! See you at 3!"

Elsa turned around and smiled.

Teresa waited until they were out of earshot.

"I'm sorry your here. It gets easier just stay on her good side." Teresa looked up at Nix,

"how long have you been here?" Teresa pondered for a minute.

"Four years." Nix's jaw slacked a bit.

"Four years?" Nix whispered back. "That makes a month sound so short."

Teresa smiled as they walked through the doors.

"Come on I know something that Xander will LOVE!" Nix laughed it was good to be shopping.

"Has anyone tried to run?" Teresa whipped around eyes wide.

"Yes. And she paid." Teresa turned around and dropped the subject.

"Here we're having a formal dinner next week. Everyone has a dress or suit that they wear. I thought we should get you one." Teresa pulled out a red one shoulder dress with a tight pull at the stomach.

"Holy $*%! that's pretty." Nix smiled and ran her hand over the fabric.

Teresa smiled,

"Good now go try it on."


It was around three when they left Katylins Outlet. As the walked to the cashier. Something caught Nixs eye. On the tv there was a special report on.


The total has risen to 32 as Nix and Xander were kidnapped along with the following,

Tilla Anston

Elisabeth Cargo

Sophia Grave

Grace Winer

Drake Daniels

Austin Colton

Will Quin

Amber Samson

Tessa Colton

Ryder Oliver

Thomas Couter

The names kept rolling but Teresa flinched at the name Tessa Colton and Austin Colton.

Teresa paid in cash,

"Can I get an email?" The causer asked looking up about to type in the address.

"No ma'am" the cashier nodded and checked the rest


Okay! I honestly need a editor!! I know my endings suck and I know how this is gonna end! Please no negative feedback!!! I love anyone who reads this!! If you want to be an editor please PM me!!

XO Horsebackdoll

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