Chapter 5.

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  *Back to Lisa's POV*
  Yesterday I had the best time in my life. Jinyoung invited Minah on a date and she had the idea to invite me and Yugyeom to go with them. I immediately understood what she was trying to do. At first I thought that it wasn't the best idea... I already ruined Jackson's life, I don't want to ruin another one before I left this world forever, but then Minah said something that never left my mind.
  MINAH: "Listen. I know that I don't say this a lot, in fact, from now on I'll start to say this more often, but the thing is that, you are my bestfriend and I love you with all my heart. I'll always be here for you and you know that. And I'm not the only one that loves you and needs you! Look at Yugyeom, he's totally into you and you don't even notice! Lisa, you are much more than you think of yourself, you have a life ahead of you and you need to enjoy it. You may think that I'm just saying this things to make you feel better, but I ain't. I mean all of those words. You are not alone."
  Nobody as ever said something like this to me before, I wasn't aware of the fact that she needed me so much. That words gave the strenght I needed to start my life all over again. I'll give another chance to the world and going to that date was the best way to started.
  The four us spend the morning at the mall, then we went to a coffee shop in the afternoon and to end the day we went to a childrens park nearby.
  Minah and Jinyoung were all over eachother, but that was alright because Yugyeom was there so I wasn't third wheeling at all.
  As the night went by we were talking about ourselfs and our problems in life, so I thought that it was a good idea to let go of something that was on my chest for a long time, I had nothing to lose so I just let it out.
  ME: "Guys. I have something to say that nobody knows about... I hope you take it seriously."
  MINAH: "Lisa, you're scaring me..." I laughed.
  ME: "It's not something to be scared of don't worry. I'm going straight to it" I took a deep breath before talking. "For a long time now, almost since my childhood,that I've been sick. Not with a cold or a flu,but mentally... My parents always said that it was normal so I always belived them, and never looked for help." my voice was becoming shaky as I talked "But recently I did something that made me realize that I want and I need help."
  MINAH: "Lisa... Why didn't you told me that?"
  ME: "Because I didn't want to be helped." Yugyeom grabed my hand.
  YG: "It was really brave of you to talk about that. We're always here to help you." he smiled
  JY: "If you want I can give you the phone number of my psychologist, he really helped me a lot."
  MINAH: "I didn't know you go to a psychologist."
  JY: "Not everyone does. I decided to go there because I was under a lot of stress and he helped a lot and still does."
  ME: "Thank you so much Jinyoung. And to all of you for being so understandable."
  After all that ted talk, Jinyoung and Yugyeom went to their house and me and Minah went to her house.
  MINAH: "Did you have fun?"
  ME: "Yes I did! Thank you for convincing me to go."
  MINAH: "No need."
  When I got onto my phone I saw that I had three texts from Jackson and I realize that he was the missing puzzle for this perfect weekend, I knew that something was incomplete. A huge smile quickly appeared on my lips.

I really need to talk to you...
Can we meet tomorrow?

Lisa are you there?

Please talk to me...

  Then it hit me... Things weren't the same anymore. He probably hates me by now, and I deserve it. What I did is just fucked up. But even if I solve everything, nothing is gonna be the same. I can't tell the truth, not now that I'm finally getting on my feet, I just can't, but the truth is that I feel the need to see him...

Meet me after class in the bus station.

Author's note:
I'm sorry for the boring and short chapter, but it's important for the plot.
How do you think the conversation between Jackson and Lisa is going to turn out?
See you!~

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