"What do you mean?"

"Well, we were just talking about random stuff and out of the blue she started talking about losing someone that she was in love with but ran off before I could say anything. I don't think she meant to tell me. Do you know what she was talking about?" he asked.

For the first time ever, Chloe had no idea what was wrong with her best friend. Beca had never mentioned anything to her about even liking someone, let alone being in love with them. "I'm not sure, sorry."

"Oh. That's alright, I just figured if she was going to tell anyone, it'd be you." Jesse smiled, "well, I'll let you continue your walk now. See you around, Chloe." He said before walking away.

Chloe, however, stood in the same spot with her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 'Beca had never talked about being in love with someone before? Who could it be?' she thought, 'me? No, that's stupid, Chloe. Why would you even think that? She's you're best friend, besides you're both straight anyway.... Right?' Chloe shook her head to rid her thoughts, it was all getting too much for her. She pulled out her phone and sent a text to the person that she knew could make her feel better in a time like this.

Hey Aubrey, feel like a coffee? xx

The blonde replied almost immediately. The pair always made an effort to catch up, since Aubrey's campsite wasn't too far away. But they hadn't been able to see each other lately because they were so busy.

Sure, meet at Coffee House in an hour? xx

See you soon! Chloe replied.

The bell rung as Aubrey walked through the café door, searching for her favorite ginger. She finally spotted Chloe and let out a squeal as she ran towards her best friend, who stood up and embraced her in what felt like the first hug in years, causing everyone in the café to turn their heads to see what was going on.

"I've missed you so much Chloe! Its so good to see you!" Aubrey said as they finally calmed down and took a seat at the table Chloe had chosen next to the window of the café.

"I missed you too Bree! It's been way too long since we've seen each other!"

The girls caught up with each other and talked about how their lives were going as they had their drinks. Chloe ordered a hot chocolate with exactly 3 marshmallows (it wasn't a hot chocolate without the marshmallows according to Chloe) and Aubrey ordered a cappuccino. Chloe was quite surprised by the success of Aubrey's camp grounds, she was so proud of the blonde and had always believed in her every step of the way. Aubrey however, was less than impressed with the Bellas, especially Fat Amy, after the mess they had gotten themselves into. The blonde was already looking forward to whipping them into shape when they arrived at the camp.

"So how are things with Tom going? I haven't heard about him in a while." Aubrey said as she took a sip of her coffee.

Chloe's face tensed in thought, "that's actually what I wanted to talk to you about, Bree. Tom and I aren't really on good terms right now."

"What's going on?" Aubrey said. She felt sorry for Chloe and didn't want her to get hurt, but she always secretly hated Tom and knew that he wasn't right for her best friend.

"I'm not sure..." Chloe said, deep in thought, "something's just changed, it's not the same anymore."

"What's changed?"

"I'm not sure..."

Aubrey nodded, she knew the question she was about to ask might make Chloe mad, but she needed to see if it was a possibility. "Chloe, can I ask you something? Promise me you won't get mad."

Treat You Better (Bechloe)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora