Chapter 6.

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***Narrator's POV***

Ethan, Liam and Sammy kept light conversation as they all swiped their cards into the scanner to enter the building of Residual Heat. The three were always the first to show up at work at 7am so they could unlock the doors and set everything up. Sammy pulled out his keys to open to the studio, only to be stopped by Ethan to show that the door was already open. The three men looked at each other with furrowed eyebrows before entering the studio to see why it was open. As they walked in they were met with a small, passed out brunette, laying on top of the control panel.

"What's she doing here already?" Sammy laughed.

"I guess she really does never stop working." Liam chuckled.

"She doesn't look so good..." Ethan said, he had been worried that the brunette had been pushing herself too hard for a while now and this had proved him right. "She's been working her ass off lately, I guess she just got too tired."

"I can see that." Liam laughed as he poked the brunette, trying to wake her up.

Sammy's phone started to ring but was confused when he saw that the call from coming from Beca's phone. He raised his eyebrows to the other two musicians who just shrugged, so he answered the phone call.


"Hello?! Sammy? Is Beca there?!" A worried woman asked.

"Uh, yeah. We just opened up the studio and found her asleep on the control panel. Who is this?"

"Oh, THANK GOD! Guys! She's at work, she's okay!" Sammy heard many other voices sigh in relief in the background. "This is Stacie, Beca's friend. She disappeared at a party last night and we've been trying to find her, but she left her phone here and we've just been calling all her contacts."

"Ohhh okay. That explains why she's passed out then. We'll wake her up and send her home." Sammy explained.

"Thank you so much!" Stacie said before hanging up.

"What was that about?" Liam asked with raised eyebrows.

Sammy explained the situation as the three men tried, but failed, to wake the small brunette up.

"How is that she can sleep through almost anything?!" Liam laughed as he continued to poke the asleep brunette.

"I have no idea." Ethan laughed.

"Wait, did you guys know that she had recorded something?" Sammy asked as he inspected the desktop sitting on the control panel.

"No? Did you?" Liam shrugged.

"No... She must've recorded it last night. What time does it say it was made?"


"She's been here since 2am?!" Liam raised his eyebrows.

"I guess. Should we listen to it?" Sammy questioned.

"Maybe that'll wake her up." Liam laughed as he pressed play on the track.

The three musicians were met with an impressive melody complimenting Beca's soulful voice playing through the speakers.

"Holy shit." Sammy swore in amazement.

"This is really good!" Ethan smiled. He was extremely proud of Beca because he knew just how hard she worked for this.

Beca groaned loudly as she woke up to loud music playing through the speakers and a bunch of random voices behind her.

"Hey sunshine." Liam laughed as Beca raised her head.

"Where the hell am I?" she groaned as she squinted her eyes.

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