Chapter 10.

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Picture credits to @toxicbechloe

***Narrator's POV***

Beca typed on her phone as she walked through the college campus on her way back from the studio. She had decided to walk there to get some fresh air. Beca looked up from her phone, to her right to see a couple arguing in the courtyard and smirked to herself when she thought about how she never had to deal with that anymore. She never fought with the person that she was in love with and if she did, they would always work it out almost straight after. The DJ smiled at the thought of Chloe.

"Why do you ALWAYS compare her to me?!" she heard the guy yell and smirked. But she stopped when the woman spoke in a small voice.

"I don't! She-she's my best friend and she supports me and doesn't comment on my weight every single day I see her." Beca could recognize that voice anywhere, it was Chloe. Beca frowned in confusion and decided to get a bit closer to the situation so she could properly hear what they were saying. When she got closer she could see that the man was Tom.

Chloe had finally gotten sick of Tom's comments on her body and decided to confront him about it but made the mistake of comparing him to Beca.

"That's because she doesn't tell you the truth, Chloe! I do! I tell you when you're eating too much, not her. You should be thanking me because I'm the one that makes sure you look hot!" Beca had to stop herself from punching him just because of that comment. "Besides, Beca's not your BOYFRIEND Chloe! I am. She shouldn't even compare to me!" Beca's jaw dropped at the mention of her name. She was surprised that Chloe had been comparing her to Tom. She let herself, just for a second think that maybe there was hope that Chloe was interested in her. But that thought was quickly interrupted when she saw the sadness in Chloe.

Chloe simply nodded in defeat, with tears in eyes. She refused to look at her boyfriend and instead kept on eyes on the ground. "Okay." She whispered.

Tom sighed, "you know I'm the one that puts in all the effort here, right Chloe? I mean I'm keeping you on your game. I don't even know what you'd do without me." He said as she scratched the back of his neck. That really put Beca at her boiling point. Who the hell does this guy think he is?! She desperately wanted to put him in his place but knew that she shouldn't even be listening to this conversation.

"You're right, Tom. I'll work harder." Chloe managed to squeak out. The ginger didn't believe that she deserved any better. She knew she had to be better, Tom had made that clear.

"Thank you. Now how about we go back to my place, baby?" Tom smirked. 'Ugh that jerk!' was all Beca could think of him. She knew that Chloe would doubt herself and would actually listen to Tom. He was just using her. Why the hell does he treat someone like the sweet, kind, bubbly Chloe Beale like this?

"I um, think I'm just going to go home Tom. I'm not feeling too well." Chloe lied in order to get away from the situation.

"Seriously? Again, Chloe? Fine, go be with that bitch." He muttered.

Chloe simply nodded, still not daring to look at her boyfriend. When she turned to walk away she finally looked up, only to meet the stormy blue eyes of the girl she couldn't stop thinking about. "Beca?" Chloe asked in surprise, "what're you doing here?"

Beca froze, she knew she shouldn't be there and didn't know what to say.

"How much did you hear?" the ginger said calmly.

"Most of it..." Beca admitted.

"Okay... I'm going to go and get some fresh air. I'll meet you back at the house okay?" Chloe wasn't mad at Beca for listening in, but she needed to be alone for the moment. She had too many things running through her head to think.

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