Chapter 3.

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*** Narrator's POV***

The front door of the Bella's house slowly swung open. The Bellas all spun their heads to see Chloe standing in the doorway.

"You guys waited up for me?"

"Of course, we waited up for you." Beca smiled.

A small smile crept onto Chloe's lips, she had barely smiled all day. It felt good to smile.

"Go get changed! I want to get my 50 Shades of Grey on!" Fat Amy winked.

Chloe walked up the stairs to get changed into her PJ's.

"Amy, we're not watching 50 Shades of Grey, there's a young child here." She heard Beca say from the couch, making her giggle.

"Hey! I'm not a child!" Emily defended.

"Yes, you are kid. Now go choose a movie."

Chloe giggled as she listened the banter of her family from downstairs while she found her PJ's. Light blue shorts with a matching oversized light blue top to go with it. She walked back down the stairs once she was changed to find that the Bellas had chosen to watch Titanic, much to Beca's disgust.

"Come on Beca, we all know you'll just fall asleep anyway." Cynthia Rose pointed out.

"I will not!"

Beca was met with a chorus of "you will" from the Bellas making her roll her eyes.

"Just you watch, I'll stay awake through the whole movie." Beca declared.

"Sure, you will Becs" Chloe giggled as she sat down in the empty spot saved for her next to Beca on the couch. The rest of the Bellas were spread out over the over couches and mattresses on the ground. Fat Amy took a couch to herself while Stacie and Emily shared the other couch. Cynthia Rose and Flo shared one of the 3 mattresses, Ashley and Jessica on another and Lily with a mattress to herself.

"Can we eat the pizza now that Chloe's here? I'm starving!" Fat Amy whined. The Bellas agreed and Ashley and Jessica stood up to help Fat Amy bring the pizzas in from the kitchen. They returned with a pile of pizza boxes and placed them in the middle, every Bella digging in and taking 2 pieces each. Except for Chloe, who reluctantly only took 1, this didn't go unnoticed by Beca. Once they had finished their pizza the Bellas turned off the lights and started the movie.

"This is stupid." Beca whispered grumpily.

"It's romantic."

"No, it's stupid."

"How is it stupid?" Chloe giggled into Beca's hair. It was only 5 minutes into the movie and the pair had already made themselves comfortable. Chloe being the bigger spoon, she wrapped the blanket around them and cuddled the brunette.

Beca was silent for a second, but couldn't think of a good enough reason, " just is.".

"Stop being so grumpy and watch the movie."


Chloe laughed at the smaller girl's behaviour. She loved spending time with Beca. Even after the worst of days, she small brunette always managed to put a smile on Chloe's face without even trying to. She was witty and relentless, but also kind and protective of those that she loves. Chloe loved her for that, she loved the small brunette.

Another 15 minutes had passed, and Chloe looked down to find that Beca had already fallen asleep. Chloe giggled and kissed her head, before catching the rest of the Bella's attention to show that Beca had already fallen asleep.

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