Chapter 2.

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*** Narrator's POV***

Beca was pacing back and forth around her and Amy's room. She couldn't stop thinking about a certain ginger and her date with that douche bag. It was driving her crazy thinking of all the possibilities of things that they could be doing. All the things that he could be doing, with Chloe. With her Chloe.

"Beca can you stop pacing? You're making me dizzy." Fat Amy groaned from her bed.

"Why him? Why does she constantly go back to him when he treats her like that?"

"I don't know... And I'm sorry, but seriously Beca, you're going to have to stop. If you keep pacing I'm gonna throw up."

"Thank you, Amy, you're incredibly helpful."

"I know."

"Ugh, fine." Beca muttered as she grabbed her bag and walked out of the house towards her car. She decided to go to Residual Heat to work on her songs. The Bellas were extremely proud of Beca's achievements during her internship. Sammy had been impressed with her latest demo and had agreed to help her write and produce five songs with the help of his band, as long as she agreed to perform at Residual Heat's upcoming event. Sammy could see true potential in the brunette and wanted to help her get onto her feet in the music industry. He believed that this could be a great stepping stone into launching her brand as an artist. Beca had been working 24/7 on her songs, but had struggled to write anything original, she always said that she had no inspiration.

Beca finally pulled into the familiar car park and opened the doors of the production company.

"Here on Sunday Beca? Do you ever stop working?" Ethan, the band's guitarist, laughed.

"Those songs aren't going to write themselves." Beca chuckled.

"Alright, but just don't push yourself too hard Beca." Ethan smiled.

"I won't, thanks Ethan." Beca smiled back as she walked into her studio.

Over her time at Residual Heat Beca had become particularly close to the band that Sammy had connected her to, especially Ethan, the guitarist. The whole band had always looked out for the brunette, but Ethan had taken it a step further and took Beca under his wing right from the start, which she greatly appreciated. Ethan was a 25-year-old, built, hipster. His brown beard and hair were always groomed to perfection and his blue eyes always covered by glasses, even though he didn't actually need them. As soon as Beca and Ethan met they clicked, which surprised no one more than Beca. He wasn't usually the kind of person she would hang around, but the pair got on surprisingly well.

"Alright, Beca, you can do this." She whispered to herself as she sat down in the red and white studio. "Just forget about everything else and focus."

Beca groaned to herself as she dropped her head onto the table. She had been working for 3 hours and still had nothing but a simple starting beat.


Beca looked down at her phone to see that she had a text from Fat Amy.

What up Shawshank! Can you get pizza for movie night tonight, I need fooooooood

Beca rolled her eyes at her friend and typed out a reply.

Amy, we have food at home

I ate it all

Jesus christ, of course you did. Fine

Thanks Shawshank! (:

Beca laughed at the Australian's antics and packed up her equipment. The truth is she couldn't wait for movie night tonight. She needed a distraction from work and her and Chloe always cuddled on the couch, which was a bonus. Of course, the brunette would never admit to anyone that she loved cuddling with Chloe, but she did. She felt at home, like she was safe from the crappy world around her. Beca smiled to herself as she thought about the redhead who she couldn't get off her mind. She could never get enough of Chloe. She had never felt this way about anyone else, usually that would scare her, but this was different. This was Chloe. Beca had been looking for an excuse to text the redhead all day and finally had an excuse, movie night.

Hey Chlo, don't forget its movie night tonight! There's a spot on the couch next to me and some pizza with your name on it (;

- Beca

She smiled to herself as she typed out the message and walked to her car to get the pizza.

Ever since the fiasco this morning in the Bellas' house Tom had been grumpy the entire day and Chloe was running out of ways to keep her positive and cheerful state of mind. The pair were walking through town, looking for something to do after their dinner. Chloe's eyes immediately lit up as soon as she caught sight of the familiar flashing sign. Johnson's Ice Cream shop. Chloe had always gone there with her 3 brothers when she was a kid and loved it every time. She thought that maybe the ice cream shop could help to lighten the mood.

"How about we get some ice cream?" Chloe asked hopefully.

"Really? Ice cream Chloe? Are you sure you want to have that?"

"What do you mean? What's wrong with ice cream?" The hope in Chloe's bright blue eyes disappearing as she spoke.

"I mean that you've been eating quite a bit lately. It's starting to catch up on you and we both know you don't want that." Tom replied, looking Chloe up and down.

"Oh... yeah ok." Chloe's heart dropped. She had struggled with anorexia her whole life, it was like she had another voice constantly on her back, telling her that she didn't deserve to eat. That she didn't perform well enough to eat. Recently she had finally begun to feel better. The Bellas and Beca had been helping her through her mental illness without even knowing what they were doing and how much they were helping. But Tom had been commenting on her body quite often lately and it had begun to take a toll on the usually cheery and positive redhead. His words were repeating in her head, 'it's starting to catch up on you' over and over again. Her chest felt like it had just been stabbed. She looked down to hide the tears welling in her eyes. She could feel every negative thought she had ever had about herself fill her head, she knew she was better than that, but they still haunted her. Her hands felt cold, as they started to shake. She bunched them into fists to try to stop the shaking.

"How about we go back to my place instead?" Tom said with a smirk.

Chloe was too distracted to hear what he said. All she could think about was those words repeating in her head, 'its starting to catch up on you and we both know you don't want that.' What did that mean? She begun to question herself. Had she been eating too much? Did she deserve to eat like this?


"Uh yeah, sure." Chloe managed to squeak out. Her phone chimed, she had a message from Beca.

Hey Chlo, don't forget its movie night tonight! There's a spot on the couch next to me and some pizza with your name on it (;

- Beca

As she read Beca's message, the pain in her chest and the shaking in her hands became just a little bit calmer. The negative thoughts in her head eased by just a little bit. Chloe had never appreciated such a simple gesture so much in her life. Such a small thing from the person she loved had helped, just enough to make her feel just a little bit better. She wanted to go home. To the Bellas, to her family, to Beca.

"Actually Tom, can you take me home? I forgot that its movie night with the girls."

"Seriously? Whatever, I guess I'll go hang out with the guys."

The care ride home with Tom was quiet. Chloe could no longer keep her positive attitude around her boyfriend any longer, she was too tired of trying today. She just wanted to go home.


No pictures or videos are mine, I did not make them.

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