letters iv

526 42 4

Here's the fourth batch of letters and we'd like to thank you all, none of this would be possible without you all and we appreciate you participating in this positivity project! 




D E A R  A S H L E Y (@TaintedRain)

I remember reading your book Faking Deliquincy and falling in love with it. All your characters were amazing and I loved to whole concept of it. I read IASWAA, which I loved and went backto make sure that I voted for each and every chapter. I sincerly hope that you would not have issues with plagirsm again and have to leave Wattpad because you're way too good

L O V E , A N O N Y M O U S




K R I S T A (@CrayonChomper) I S . . .

awesome and i just love her writing style. not only is she talented at writing but just like her bio says, she writes characters that are flawed and real. she doesn't put high standards in her characters and doesn't make me feel like i'm way too low for everyone as most cliches novels are. her novels reflect that maybe you can be a nerd and not be stunningly beautiful. you may be a nerd but not entirely ugly because that's just who everyone are. so, krista, if you'll be reading this, i love you <3

L O V E , A N O N Y M O U S




K R I S T A (@CrayonChomper) I S . . .

totally rad and funny and she writes really well plus she does her part on wattpad by recommending less famous stories on all of her book.

L O V E , A N O N Y M O U S




K R I S T A (@CrayonChomper) . . .

deserves to be appreciated cuz her book has inspired me to speak my mind more and be myself more and its taught me that you dont need someone to fix you or save you but that you can save yourself.

L O V E , A N O N Y M O U S




K R I S T A ' S  (@CrayonChomper) . . .

book not all blonds do backflips has inspired me to be more confident and stand up to a bully and i just want to be able to give back to her.

L O V E , A N O N Y M O U S




 A N N E  (Indigoland) I S . . .

such a gem. she is the most adorable person ever and when she talks to you, you can tell that she really cares about you. she makes you feel important as a friend of hers and never lets you feel excluded which is an amazing trait. she is funny, smart, caring, and beautiful inside and out.

L O V E , A N O N Y M O U S



A N N E   (@Infatuated)   I S   . . .

Amazing. OfTheWeek is such a great idea! I really admire her ability to keep up with it and support writers the way she does.

L O V E   ,   A N O N Y M O U S




D E A R  E M I L Y (@EmilyTheReader)

You introduced me to Wattpad around a year and a half ago when you had exactly 3400 followers and roughly 9million reads on your story, Tame.

I know you find it a little strange that I remember stuff like this, but these things are important to me because you are important to me.

I remember starting my first story and you were the only one who really read it, at first, although I know it was, and still is, utter shite. You encouraged me to write more and congratulated me on every small milestone I reached.

During this, your popularity was soaring, and I am so happy for you and so proud of what you have achieved today; over 22million reads and over 20,000 people following you who think you are amazing. I can't think of anyone else who deserves this success and the happiness it brings more than you.

Because you are so well known, when you would read my stories, other people would find me through you and that is how I started ever getting any response from my writing. In short, I would not have the success I believe I have today if it weren't for you. Wattpad has boosted the confidence I have in myself and my writing and has helped me to become more content, and it is all because of you.

We share a very similar sense of humour [which is kind of bad considering what our sense of humour is], we share a similar music taste [Eminem is life]. We seem to have a lot in common, and I've never really found that in a friend before. However, you seem to be absolutely fine with spending 20 years of your approximate life expectancy sleeping which is really peasant like of you.

I am lucky enough to know you in real life where many people aren't.

You have the misfortune to know me in real life, so you know that I am not good with words and I am sorry that I cannot say this to you in person because I would stutter and possibly pass out.

You put up with me more than anyone else does, and that's really cool of you. [we put up with each other's rubbish, it's how we roll] I especially love how we can insult each other all the time and ultimately think nothing of it, together we have come up with some pretty unique insults.

You are a beautiful person inside and out and I think you are pretty damn cool.

I don't tell you this very often, but you are my best friend and I love you.

I am very glad you exist.

L O V E , A N O N Y M O U S


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