parcel ii

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We are proud to announce our second person of the week is the incredibly talented Brielle, @Bastille. 


D E A R   B R I E L L E,

You are seriously one of those that people need in the world. You are as bright as the sun and you are positive and caring. I love how you are always there for anyone and seriously, I admire you for this.

I really like your new movement and I know you'll be someone creative and positivity-spreading in this world and will make so many people smile.

L O V E  ,  A N O N Y M O U S. 


D E A R    B R I E L L E,

I'm so happy to see you've won the person of the week since there are so many things I would like to tell you.

First of all, I want you to know that you're one of the raddest human I've had the luck to meet. You are amazing, sweet, supportive, and a very good friend. Though there are times when you don't know what to say, I know you are there. There's people who come to your life for you to learn something, but you my friend are one of those who are a blessing.

I also wanted you to know that you are an excellent writer, no matter how much you want to deny it. You are very committed, I mean, who else writes 15K words in only two days? That is commitment my friend, that is commitment. Plus, all of your stories have taught us something, and have made us realize something about ourselves. I think you should give yourself more credit on that topic. You are a great writer dearest Bri.

With you and all our friends we've had the funniest times. I would have never imagined so many people would make me a part of a ship. You've given me hope when there was nothing. And I owe you so much for that. I know I can tell you absolutely anything and you won't judge.  

You're one of the most amazing people I've met. Thank you so much for everything.

L O V E ,  A N O N Y  M O U S. 



D E A R   B R I E L L E,

I absolutely love your works, every single one of them are amazing. You're a person to be admired on wattpad for being so down to earth and lovely all the time. Never change, always be the lovely person you are and continue to beat everyone's butts at nano.

L O V E,  A N O N Y M O U S.


D E A R  B R I E L L E,

I completely and utterly love your writing, it's flawless. Thin made me cry so hard, and it was so realistic. You're an amazing writer and person, i hope you're told this everyday and I cannot wait for the day that you're a published author and I can hold your book in my hands.

L O V E,  A N O N Y M O U S.


D E A R   B R I E L L E, 

brielle you are one of the genuinely nice and sweet people on watt pad i know. Despite being extremely talented and "famous" you remain down-to-earth, and I think that's amazing. Stay the sweet girl that you are

L O V E, A N O N Y M O U S.



D E A R   B R I E L L E,

Thank you so much for making Wattpad a better place. With the Dormers project, you're giving a chance to the lesser known authors on this site, those who actually deserve all the recognition they can get. You're an amazing author, I really enjoyed reading Thin, and you're also an incredible person. Thanks for being you.

L O V E   A N O N Y M O U S. 



D E A R   B R I E L L E,

I'd like to firstly thank you for being such a kid and down to earth kind of person. I always see you on my news feed and though we don't really talk, you brighten up my days. Your writing is remarkable and you deserve so many more readers. You're hella rad, as you say and I find you hilarious. Thank you so much for always brightening mine, and others, days. 

L O V E,  A N O N Y M O U S. 



Our next person of the week is Krista (@CrayonChomper). It would mean a lot if you could send in your messages of support and encouragement to her through our inbox or ask.

Also, feel free to send in your nominations for person of the week. Thank you for your participation.  

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