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We are proud to announce our fourth person of the week is the amazing Ashley, @TaintedRain. 




D E A R   A S H L E Y,

Ashley you’re such a lovely person, you treat all your fans amazingly and I absolutely adore your writing style and your plots are so unique and beautiful. It All Started With An Apple is one of my favourite stories. You’re an amazing person and an incredible author. I know you're a member of chasingpages, That account is perfect and what you and the other members are doing is amazing. Thank you for being an awesome person.

L O V E  ,  A N O N Y M O U S. 




D E A R   A S H L E Y,

You've been a kind and loving person, always there for your fans, and always replying back to messages. You have once got off Wattpad, but had the immense courage and determination to get back on.

You have been a rock for many people and have been a dear for your whole life. You show your fans the same respect, replying and smiling and conversing with them closely. You have a beautiful heart and an amazing charisma.

You have been everything Wattpad needs.


L O V E  ,  A N O N Y M O U S. 




D E A R   A S H L E Y,

You're someone who I've followed for a while now, and I've never seen you be rude to anyone, not even close. You are so unbelievably down-to-earth and welcoming with all your responses to people, whether friends or complete strangers. I find your fangirling completely adorable, and when you support something with all your heart it really shows. You're committed, wonderful, talented (oh god your writing - congratulations on your self-publication!) and simply lovely. Ashley, you're... you're real. You're you, and that's amazing.

L O V E  ,  A N O N Y M O U S. 




D E A R   A S H L E Y,

There's so much to say about you. You're optimistic, understanding, optimistic, and the best friend a person could ever have. I thought I'd repeat the word optimistic because it's such a remarkable trait of yours, when I'm so pessimistic.

I remember the time when I was intimidated by you and your talent, thinking that I would never be friends with you. But then I did. And I don't think I can ever thank you enough for always being there for me and helping me through my darkest times.

I look up to you so much, and please never let someone bring you down because no matter what happens, you'll always be the best. You make me smile every day and I'm glad that you're my friend.

I honestly can't imagine what would have happened if I hadn't left that long message on the Q & A section of IASWAA. We may have never gotten to know each other, and that thought alone scares me a lot.

Stay positive and awesome, because a lot of people love you, okay?

L O V E  ,  A N O N Y M O U S.




D E A R  A S H L E Y,

I'm really glad Wattpad gave me the opportunity to meet you. You're been a huge role model and inspiration to me ever since I started out on this site. Your writing is fantastic, every single novel of yours manages to reel me in from the get go. And no matter how busy you get, you're always so friendly and sweet to everyone. Thanks for being such a great friend and for being so supportive, you're incredible and I love you.

L O V E , A N O N Y M O U S




D E A R  A S H L E Y,

I seriously admire all of your work, every single piece is flawless and I was so happy when you published. You're an incredible person and I've never seen you speak badly to anyone, ever. You're amazing. Keep writing because you're so brilliant at it. 

L O V E , A N O N Y M O U S




D E A R  A S H L E Y,

I have no idea where to start. You're one of a kind. You're an inspiration to us all, you make wattpad a lovely place to me and I'm so thankful that I know you. You're writing is flawless because you're flawless and we need more people like you on this site and in the world. Please say the way you are, don't ever changed because you're perfect. 

L O V E , A N O N Y M O U S




Our next person of the week @nickyMB.

Send in your messages for your friends/people you admire and don't forget to keep nominating people as author of the week (send a message in for them while you're at it). Thank you all for your participation! 

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