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We are proud to announce that our first person of the week is the lovely Anne, @Infatuated. This is for you, Anne, thank you so much for being such a huge inspiration to all of us.




D E A R   A N N E   ,

I think it was you who sparked off this whole positive movement/project on wattpad with your fabulous of the week.

I honestly can't thank you enough for that.

My story was just lost in a sea of popular books that overshadow the rest every single day, of course the authors deserve that credit to the max, but the point is, your of the week idea was so selfless, and I'm sure that you've helped many authors (just like myself) become just that little more discovered with your votes. 

Thank you Anne, you are a wonderful person and I wish you all the best.

L O V E   ,   A N O N Y M O U S




A N N E   I S   . . .

One fine example of the type of person we should aim to be, she has inspired multiple positivity accounts, created her own account and manages the up-keep of it. I truly admire her way with words and her amazing artistic skills; every single thing she has created (story and graphic-wise) has been phenomenal. She does not get the recognition she deserves, so I would like to thank her for everything she does, her aim was to make Wattpad a better place and already we can see the impact she has had on everyone. You’re an amazing person Anne and an inspiration to us all.   

L O V E   ,   A N O N Y M O U S




D E A R   A N N E   ,

Thank you so much for making Wattpad a better place. OfTheWeek has influenced all the other positivity projects, but you started it all so thank you for giving authors a chance and recommending them. You’re an amazing author, I really adore the way you write and your plots are just fantastic. And you’re incredibly down-to-earth and you treat your followers amazingly. I have nothing but the utmost respect and admiration for you, you’re seriously such a role-model for all of us. So thank you for being so amazing.

L O V E   ,   A N O N Y M O U S




A N N E   I S   . . .

Amazing and writes one hell of a story. Her plot ideas are so different and unique that you can't help but fall in love with the characters, even the ones you're suppose to hate. Her covers are so cute and suit the story well, and she, as a person, seems so nice. and also the fact that she's also trying to spread positivity to unknown readers as well. well, she deserves this recognition. She truly does.

L O V E   ,   A N O N Y M O U S




D E A R   A N N E   ,

I think you're an amazing writer and you seem like you have a great personality. You're a great graphic designer as well and even though I don't you personally, I think you're amazing xx

L O V E   ,   A N O N Y M O U S




 D E A R   A N N E   ,

You're an extraordinary writer and I admire you for the simple fact that you've spent time to help others. Despite the large amount of fans you've acquired you're so down to earth and a person I hope to be in the near future. I personally want to thank you for creating the OfTheWeek project and helping so many wattpaders. Just know that you're a shining star, you're truly appreciated as a writer, fellow wattpader and a friend. 

L O V E   ,   A N O N Y M O U S




D E A R   A N N E   ,

Because I’m terrible at introductions, I’ll just start by writing how I found your books. I was reading balloon boy and one of the recommended books was ‘Community Service’. What I loved most was unconventional their meeting was. Besides I like the idea of an explosion in a chemistry lab. Go ahead, sue me. Also, I adored Ross’s drunken jokes. Cheesy and awesome.

I admire how you wrote ‘The Bathroom Stall’. How you crushed my OTP of the story and got away with it, I will never understand. The plot twist, despite it being improvised was total genius and it made sense. Oh yeah and do YOU know why Tucker was panicking about his phone if he isn’t the Creepy Stalker anymore?

The emotions I felt in every less-than-a-page chapter were unbelievable. Maybe this is just me being overdramatic but it was what you’d call a whirlwind of emotions.

I am so jealous of your ideas. How infatuated (see what I did there? *wiggles eyebrows*) is getting seriously unhealthy.

I know that one day you’ll be a famous, awesome author and I hope the one day, I’ll be able to take your books off a library shelf and check them out.

L O V E   ,   A N O N Y M O U S




We'd like to thank you all for the sweet messages sent in. Unfortunately, we're limiting the number to 7 messages per parcel, but the rest of the messages will be posted at a later date on Wednesdays (i.e. under Letters).

The next person of the week will be announced tomorrow (Mon 30th June). Feel free to send in your nominations via our ask or inbox.

In the meantime we encourage you to send in messages for your friends/people you admire which we will post on wednesdays. (Note: Please write in second person, i.e. use "you" instead of "him/her" when referring to the person your message is meant for, so that it'll be more sincere that way)

Thank you all so much for your participation, we really appreciate it.

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