letters ii

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Here's the second batch of letters and we'd like to thank you all so much for your participation. Do continue to send in your letters to your friends or nominate someone if you think they deserve to be person of the week :)




@KittyCrackers   I S   . . .

a very inspiring person and she's amazing and whenever I'm feeling down, I always PM her and she always gives me the most wonderful advice, she always listens to me and messages me the funniest jokes. She always puts me in a happier mood and we both have so much in common, and she's one of the oldest friends I have on this site and I find it amazing that she can actually tolerate me lol. She's an amazing person that I love to look up to, she always has the perfect things to say and her books, oh my gosh, they're always so inspiring, that's why I always admire her. Plus she's a hilarious person! I couldn't have asked for a better friend on this site, and even though I'll probably never meet her face to face; I'm grateful that I have met one of the most nicest and bestest friends that I can fangirl about Michael Scofield with haha. So thank you Kitty for being an amazing friend, I seriously love you and you're amaziNng <3

L O V E   ,   A N O N Y M O U S




D E A R   T Y   (@Madeforpandabears)   ,  

We've known each other for a while and through several different usernames and accounts, haha. I remember at first I was kind of scared to talk to you because you had so many followers and everyone loved you, but then once we did start talking, you admitted that you're always nervous to talk to new people. I thought it was silly, then I realized I did the same thing. That's kind of how we started. c: Socially awkward even on the internet. We talked A LOT, like, every day when I'd get home from school, I'd check my messages to see if I'd gotten one from you, I'd stay up late to talk, I'd wake up early--it was really crazy. You were my first friend on Wattpad, pretty much, so I was really, really clingy (sorry if I started to suffocate you). Then I deleted my account, because my grades started falling and I would get snappy and ugh, and I didn't make another account until a friend of mine told me about a message you'd posted saying you missed me. That made me so happy, because I missed you too. :) So I made another account and it was awesome until I took a break because of stress from freshman year but then I got depressed and ended up deleting it without telling you, and I'm sorry.

Ah, this is getting long. Anyhow, I got on my friend's account not too long ago and saw your account (sounds way creepy, sorry cx) and then I saw a message you posted saying that if people knew you in real life they'd hate you.


Ty, we never met face to face, but for a while we talked over skype or over the phone nearly every day. Hell, you've even met some of my friends and they consider you their friend. You are not a terrible person, you are not a bitch, you are not worthless. You are fantastic, you are amazing, you are funny, and you deserve the world. Okay? I'm going to assume you know who this is, so I'll just leave it anonymous. ♥

L O V E   ,   A N O N Y M O U S



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