Really, I Figured I Would Have Seen That Coming

Start from the beginning

Bakugou's heart dropped into his chest.

"How-what-" Shinsou held up his hand.

"You don't have to answer. I don't expect you to. But-" He took a sip of his tea. "I want to warn you."

"Warn me?" Bakugou's confusion melted to fear. "Why?"

"Izuku Midoriya has made some powerful enemies." Shinsou said simply. "And if you keep thinking with your dick, sooner or later it's gonna be cut off, and you'll die."

Bakugou let his face slump onto the table, hoping he didn't burn an imprint into the table with how hot his face felt.

" do you know all this?" Bakugou asked quietly.

"You're not the only one who Midoriya has let go. I'm on his shit list too, y'know. The only difference is that he doesn't like me." Shinsou stretched, and got up.

"Anyways, thanks for coming. I've got things to see and people to do. See ya'." Shinsou walked off, muttering; "wouldn't want to be ya'."

And Bakugou was left with a head full of questions, and a bill.


Bakugou was woken up with a shifting noise. He slowly opened his eyes, to see his dark apartment room. His cup had fallen on to the floor, the cup that Todoroki had given him for his birthday back in his second year.

How had it fallen over? It couldn't have been the wind.

Bakugou got up, and turned on the light.

Midoriya was standing by the door, frozen, like someone had just caught him with his hand in the cookie jar.

"Sorry." He mumbled, face red. "I was just going to drop this off." He held up a white card, that reflected the light. A keycard.

"How...?" Then he remembered that Midoriya was the League leader. He probably knew where every single hero lived, and how to get there.

"You're giving me... a portal key card?" Bakugou asked, confused. "You know I could be using you just to get that, right? Give that to the wrong person-"

"-My organization comes tumbling down-" He chuckled. "Yes Kacchan, I know. I've thought this out just as much as you have." He sat down on the edge of Bakugou's bed. "But I trust you." He said quietly, ernest little smile on his face.

"You trust me." Bakugou said slowly. "The same guy who chucked your precious notebooks out windows."

"Well, it's been a while. And I think you've earned my trust." Izuku replied, tilting his head back to look at the ceiling.

"...You didn't tell Shinsou." He mused softly.

Bakugou looked at him funny. "He already knew, Izuku." Bakugou muttered. Was he angry? It was sometimes hard to tell with Izuku.

The Greenlight Bar- A BakuDeku fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now