unexpected visitor

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i wake up to sound of the soft patter of rain upon my window, droplets of water creating a beautiful mess on the glass of the window in my room. i had wanted to keep on sleeping but my plans were ruined as my alarm blared obnoxiously. i bring my hand down in a semi-drunken stupor onto my phone and tap 'snooze.' not that i've been drinking, of course, who drinks on a work night? some people do but i don't really get the opportunity to. i sit up in my bed, running my hands through my hair, hoping it would magically fix the bird's nest which i call my hair. feeling a bit nauseous and sick to my stomach, my mind wanders back to what i ate last night. i realized i hadn't had anything at all as i was too exhausted to barely do anything at all after work.

my daily routine simply wasn't normal - i would wake up, make myself a sandwich when i'm feeling productive or just eat whatever is in sight because i'd be too much in a hurry to go to work. sometimes i wish i was still a child, completely carefree and naive. i wish my mom would wake me up for school, make me breakfast and kiss me goodbye while sending me off to school with my dad, waiting for me in his car. but i'm 21 now, an adult, not ten years old anymore. my parents were in seoul, until last year i was there too. 

i figured if i dress up right now, maybe i'd have some time to actually relax; maybe do the bare minimum and watch tv or water my plants. so, i slide my feet into the slippers under my bed and walk to my wardrobe, selecting an outfit. i settle on a red blouse pairing it with black dress pants and wedges. walking to my bathroom, i strip out of my pj's which was jeongguk's old oversized white tee and pyjama shorts. i quickly take a shower, changing into my clothes and sit in front of the dressing table to do a bit of makeup, consisting of some bb cream, mascara and lipstick. i drew a deep breath, walking into the living room and frown as a wave of nausea hits me again. i can't stand the thought of breakfast now either. i'm going to regret it by the time i get to work, but making a sandwich is just beyond the scope of my abilities right now. 

i decided it was better just to have a cup of coffee and toast with slight butter. as i was buttering my toast, my mind wanders off to jeongguk and how he hasn't called or even texted yet. two weeks have passed since we got breakfast and he disappeared suddenly. i didn't want to seem desperate so i laid low, but i was freaking out mentally. this is jeongguk we're talking about though, if i was some girl he'd gone on a few dates with, he would probably just be shy and not text me at all. but i'm the girl who dated him for four years and broke up with him, he definitely wasn't and isn't shy around me. 

i sighed and ate my toast, going through my instagram but it was all the same shit. teenage girls obsessed with skinny waists and big asses, guys with abs who go to countless parties. why do people care so much about their appearance honestly? why does it matter so much? sure, there are our insecurities and things which make us sad but this is the only body we'll ever get. the only way to live a good life is to not care at all and i think i realized that effectively late. 

once i was done with breakfast, i washed up the dishes from yesterday which i had forgotten to do. i felt weirdly proud of myself, for doing so much in 20 minutes or so. i glanced up at the clock at saw '7:30' displayed on it. okay, half an hour left. being late was not such an acceptable thing on the list of mr. kwon, my boss. you see, i was his assistant. from managing his whole schedule to bringing him coffee, it was all a part of the job including the massive pay, of course. 

straightening out my clothes, i carry my belongings and an umbrella above my head. the droplets of water hit the car windows as i drove onwards. the skies are overhung with a blanket of blue and grey, so much that i can barely tell the difference between the sky and clouds. despite the car ride being slightly shaky, the rain inwardly calms me - i watch the raindrops race down the windows. the occasional wave of a puddle can be exciting, but i'd rather be outside in those puddles than stuck in this car. i remind myself that i'm not ten years old anymore, i have responsibilities now and not to mention, i live alone. 

racing down the garage of 'jiyong enterprises' i park my car in the usual spot. while i was walking on the way to my office, i bowed to my colleagues with a smile. most people, specifically women would die to have my job. a personal assistant of kwon jiyong, sounds appealing? in reality all we do is that we sit in a cubicle all day while being gossiped about, drinking bad coffee and watching pot plants die. sounds like fun, yeah? 

"eunji, you're extra early today!" taehyung chirped enthusiastically with a cup of coffee in his hand. 

"yeah, so are you, taehyung." i set aside my belongings, bending down to pick up the mess i made last night. papers scattered everywhere, files all over my desk. taehyung begins to help me, organizing the documents and i'm more than grateful for him. 

"thanks, tae." i shoot him a smile once we're done as i take a seat next to him. it was a good thing our cubicles were next to each other, we were friends, i suppose. although i never shared much with him, it was mostly about work but taehyung on the other hand, would always be more than happy to have a good conversation. sometimes i would talk to him about different things but he never crossed the line and i appreciated that. perhaps if i wasn't too hung up on jeongguk, maybe i'd give him a shot. taehyung was absolutely gorgeous, with crescent shaped eyes and a face that was too angelic. i wondered how on earth could a man be so possibly beautiful, the world will never know. 

"eunji, mr. kwon asked for you." nayeon, the receptionist informed me as i shoot up from my chair and grabbed my planner. 

"i'll see you later, taehyung." i manage to give him a small smile and head towards mr. kwon's office. his office was really boring to be honest, it was painted grey and had one floor-to-ceiling window. the brown desk was always scattered with paperwork, a swivel chair in the middle of the office and a bookshelf, bursting with books in a corner. i stood in front of the wooden door and knocked two times. 

"come in." mr. kwon's voice muffled voice boomed from the inside.

i drew a deep breath and twisted the silver handle, stepping inside his office. as soon as i turned around i saw mr. kwon sitting on his swivel chair with jeongguk sitting on the opposite chair. my jaw dropped and my eyes widened as the size of saucers. 

"jeon jeongguk is here from 'jeon inc' in place of his father, and he'll be working with us on a deal." 


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