"And this is why I hate doing these type of things." 

The female mentally rolled her eyes as the two of them walked up to the luxury hotel. Pressing the top floor, she released her grip from the lightly intoxicated man. Making sure her face was hidden from the security cameras behind Jinyoung's figure, she discreetly looked him up and down. 

"He's drunk, rich, has his wallet on him and probably oblivious to what is happening right now. Gosh, I could kill him right here, but that would ruin the fun." 

Making a mental note on her observations, the brown-haired female kept her mouth shut as an arm was wrapped around his waist just as the pair made their way to the billionaire's room. Sliding out the door-key, Heeyeon pushed the blockade open with her foot before leading Jinyoung to his bedroom, removing his tie as she pushed him onto his bed. 

"My masterpieces only belong to me, so you better stay put." 

Heeyeon made sure that he was out of sight before walking over to the bar, that was located in the kitchen. Slipping on her latex gloves she had stored in her dress, she maneuvered her way through the cabinets, pulling out three alcoholic drinks and a small glass. Mixing them with her gloved finger, she pulled out another small white packet from her dress and poured the white powder into the two glasses before mixing it one more time. 

"This should be enough. If I put too much, he might smell something off." 

Before moving her way to the bedroom, the female added a drop of hot sauce before making her self her own cup, but without the powder. Slipping her gloves off and slipping them in her pocket, she took the two glass cups to Jinyoung's room, she held in a scream when she saw him taking off his shirt.

"Like what you see?" He stared at the female who was putting the drinks down.

"It's nice, but I've seen better." The female clad in a champagne dress brushed her hair back as she sat on his bed, watching the male move himself closer to her. Changing his shirt fully, Jinyoung sat beside her and grabbed his sole cup.

"So Shinae, tell me about yourself." The male leaned on his shoulder, watching her thighs as Heeyeon took notice.

"I really hate this part." She mentally cursed the drunk male before beginning to speak.

"There isn't that much about me that's interesting. I'm a young business women, aspiring to become one of the greatest with her money, inherited from her rich parents. Now Mr. Lee, tell me more about you." The woman watched the male fumble up into a sitting position, the alcohol and spiked drink starting to kick in.

"I've already told you what I do, Shinae . . ." The cold hazel-eyes watched him go out and in of consciousness slowly while drinking from her pure glass.

"Jinyoung are you okay? Would you like me to get you some water? I made us some drinks in case." Looking down at the male, Heeyeon handed the male the glass of water that was closest to them, the glass that was also tampered with.

"That would be nice of you." The woman brought her glass with her and returned to the kitchen and grabbed the gloves. Opening the fridge and grabbing a cup, she filled it with water before pouring more of the white powder. 

"This should really knock him out for good." 

Stirring the drink with her finger again, the female let out a small breath before she returned to the slowly dying man. Feeding him the water, she jumped back as he suddenly started coughing violently.

"Jinyoung, lie down. It will help." 

She covered the man in blankets as he started taking deep breathes, each time was filled with more pain. Pulling a rope out of her cleavage, she quickly wrapped it around his neck before crossing the ends over each other and choking him hard. Watching the female in front of him and her actions, Jinyoung's hand tried to pry her own hands off the rope as his body began to go numb. Feeling his grip on her arm suddenly go limp, the woman retracted slowly before checking for his pulse.

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