Chapter 25: THE DAUGHTER!!

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[Your POV]

       It was late at night and I just woke up to drink some water. I walked to the kitchen to get a glass. I grabbed the glass and filled it up with water from the sink. I turned the water off and took a long sip. All of a sudden, my water broke. I screamed loudly and Springy came running in the room.

"What happened?! " he said as he ran too me.

"M-My water broke, " I said as I groaned in pain. He nodded his head and took my to a room.

     He left me on the table and I changed into a gown. I then went back onto the table and laid there. Everything was quite and then P.P. and Springy came into the room.

"P.P. knows the shit about bodies so he'll deliver that baby! " Spring said. I didn't care about it at all and nodded my head.

[Time Skip because idk wtf happens in a delivery room at hospitals]

        It was after Tove was born and she was a beautiful baby. She had brown hair with a tint of gold like Springy. I smiled as I held her in a blanket. She had fallen asleep now.

     I held her as I walked back to our room. I placed her in the crib and cover her in the blanket. She was so relaxed in her bed. I changed into sweats and a t shirt then got into bed with Springy.

"Good night sweetheart, " Springy whispered to me.

     I just nodded my head and snuggled into his chest sleeping for the rest of the night.

[Time Skip to morning!]

      I woke up to crying at 7am. I went to Tove and checked her diaper. It was dirty. I changed the diaper of her and threw the diaper away.

    I rocked her to sleep and she fell asleep instantly. I smiled as I set her down in her bed.

    I walked to the kitchen to see P.M. and P.C. talking. I smiled to see them making eggs and bacon on to stove top.

"Need any help? " I asked. They nodded their heads as we started making the food.

    We finished at 8am which was good. The boys were now hungry so we all started eating in silence. It was a comfortable silence. P.M. cleared her throat as she stood up. I knew what she was going to do. I gave her a comforting smile.

" Guys, I-I'm pregnant..., " she said. P.C. smiled widely, P.P. was blushing hard and covering his face, P.F. was smiling nervously, P.B.B was smiling thinking of the person he can play games with, Springy was quite shocked and patted P.P.'s back, and I smiled softly.

"Congrats, " Springy said to them. They thanked him.

       When we finished eating, we all went to our rooms. I went to take a shower before Tove woke up so I could feed her.

     I grabbed a lose shirt, leggings, and under garnets. I grabbed my towel on the way in the bathroom. I locked the door when I went in so no one walked in on me.

    I stripped my clothes off of me as I turned the water on. Once the water was at the right temperature, I stepped inside as I bathed myself.

     After I finished getting cleaned, I dried off. I put my hair in a towel. I dressed myself quickly as I went to the mirror. I took my hair out of the towel and brushed it quickly. It took about five minutes so I was good.

     I threw my dirty clothes into the basket as I dashed to Tove. She was peacefully sleeping. I had a Virgo baby.

    I smiled with delight as Springy went to the bathroom. He had a towel and clothes which was fine. I decided to get some milk ready if she was hungry.

    I grabbed the baby bottle and filled it with the milk powder. Once it was enough powder, I filled it up with water.

      I shook the baby bottle up and let it set. I looked over to see Tove still sleeping. A smile creeped onto my face. What a precious girl.

"WAHH!!!" I heard Tove scream.

"Shhh, " I fed her with the bottle and rocked her slowly.

     She sucked on the nib of the bottle and closed her eyes. She liked the milk from what I saw. She snuggled with my arms as I continued to rock her. How peaceful.

"You're being an amazing mom already, " I heard. I turned around to see Spring smiling softly.

"You want to hold her? " I asked.

"I-I'm probably not that good-"

"You never know unless you try. So come and sit next to me, " I said. I was on the bed.

"O-okay, " he sat next to me.

     I handed him Tove who was finished with her bottle. Her eyes we're still closed. When she was in Spring's arms, she opened her eyes. Her eyes were purple.

      My eyes widened. Our daughter had the rarest color of eyes possible. Her bright purple eyes sparkled so much and how curious her eyes looked as the wandered around us. I smiled softly.

"You're doing great, " I kissed his cheek after saying that. He smiled.

"Thanks, " he said smiling softly.

      Once she fell asleep, I picked her up and carried her to her bed. I placed her down gently as she hugged her blanket. I smiled softly and felt arms around my waist.

"You're amazing, " Spingy said. He gently kissed my cheek. I smiled softly.

"Let's go make lunch, " I said as I grabbed his arm pulling him.

"Ok, " he said smiling.

       I closed the door as we ran off to the kitchen. I was behind Spring which was pretty sad. He is very tall though so it's reasonable. I'm average height to be honest.

"What do you want to eat, " Spring said as he leaned against the counter. I was breathing hard after running. Is this why I failed PE in high school?

"Pizza rolls, " I huffed out. Why am I so fucking tired?

"Mkay, " Spingy said as he went to the freezer.

      I grabbed a large plate for the microwave and placed it down for the two of us. He dumped the entire box onto the plate. I flattened the pizza rolls as best as I could and put them into the microwave for five minutes.

[Time Skip]

[Springy's POV]

      After we ate lunch, we went to check up on Tove. I opened the door and saw P.B.B standing near her crib play with her rattle smiling. I had a feeling they were going to end up being great friends.

"Hi P.B.B, " I said as y/n followed behind me into the room.

"Sup, " he said not looking away from Tove.

"What ya doing? " I asked.

"Playing with Tove. Also why didn't you tell me she had such pretty eyes?" he said with head tilting to the side looking at us.

"We just found out, " y/n said shrugging. P.B.B nodded his head.

"I'll be on my way then, " P.B.B. said as he ran with his short little three year old legs running along. What a cute kid.

A/N: Heya ya people. As you can see this is a short chapter but I need to publish this badly. Just imagine she is born September first okay? Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I'll see all you butterflies in the next chapter!!!


The New Freddy's (Human!SpringTrap x Depressed Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt