Chapter 20: NO!!!

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A/N: This chapter is going to involve some triggers so please don't read if you get triggered or touched deeply with these sensitive topics. Also here's an amazing song by an amazing band, Panic! At The Disco. Suggest them to you and enjoy this chapter!!

Your P.O.V:
We started looking for him and then I saw Springy laying on the floor as my mom dragged him down the hall. Tears ran down my face. Everyone else got mad and tackled her. I cried too much as every sound faded. My fiance, boyfriend, and a father was lying motionless as I dragged him to P.P's room. I cried and looked at his body. It looked like he had minutes to be saved so I got a bandage and removed his bloody shirt and vest leaving him shirtless. I wiped my face and wrapped the bandage around his chest. He was stabbed in the back so I flipped him over and kissed his back and cried. There was a bang then silence. The door was pulled opened to reveal everyone else. I cried and hugged them all. They patted my back and I pointed to Spring. They nodded as P.P pushed us out of the room going to fix him. I cried and then went back to bed as everyone else stayed in my room guarding me. I fell asleep seconds later as the clock rang 12 times. The sound rang into my ears as I shook in fear.

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

I awoke multiple times that night, too many nightmares that is. I only got up at 7am to make some coffee and check on Spring but P.P wouldn't let me enter. I drank my coffee, still tired. I felt a small kick in my stomach and groaned. I rubbed my stomach and the kicking stopped. Since I was 4 months pregnant, next month I had to check for the gender of the baby. Once I finished my coffee, I got dressed and went to the mall. I need a car mhm. I road the bus instead of walking. Once I got to the mall I got some bigger shirts since the baby was growing. Instead of wearing jeans, I would wear sweats and leggings so ya. Once I grabbed some shirts and I left back to what I call home. I placed my new shirts in the closet as I grabbed other clothes to take a shower. I undressed as I sobbed. I want him to be alive. I took a shower and dressed as I looked at my old blade. I didn't want to, but that was the only escape. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, and ten. My arm bleed as I wiped the blood drinking the remaining blood. I cried softly pulling my sweater on. The blade had blood on it as I wiped it and  put the blade back. I walked out and went to make some soup. I didn't want to not eat because it could kill the baby. I ate the soup and took a nap in the living room praying he wasn't dead or didn't forget me. I sighed as I fell asleep.
A/N: I hope you enjoyed just know I'm an evil author ok. Anyways things to get better in the story so keep reading and I told you I'd make a schedule lol. Anyway I hope you enjoyed and I'll see all you butterflies in the next chapter!!!

~Shadow Springy

The New Freddy's (Human!SpringTrap x Depressed Reader)Where stories live. Discover now