Chapter 6: Morning Time?

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A/N : read ending please
P.P. P.O.V: (Phantom Puppet)
Before he went to Springy's room. I ran and teleported into the room. Luckly Goldie wasn't in there and Springy and y/n was sleeping peacefully. I smiled and made sure Goldie wouldn't come in. I heard banging from the outside of the door. Stupid Goldie forgot he could teleport. Hah... Next thing ya know Goldie was inside. I spoke too soon. "So I see you want y/n TOO!!! WELL SHE IS MINE!!," I heard Goldie speak. "Psh...says the one who always cheats on every girl," I laughed smirking but mostly laughing. Ahh that stupid perv. I turned around and saw Springy was awake. He looked at me. "Goldie I heard it all. And...just leave me alone...," Springy said. I smiled and punched Goldie. He jerked himself up with his lip bleeding. I smiled and teleported him outside so he can't return inside. Wait...god y/n has to stay here forever....I messed up. I tried to look happy but that slowly changed. "Springy....," I said. "Ya P.P?" He answered. "Um...she has to stay forever or else...Goldie will try to keep her forever...," I said. Springy nodded and I left about a minute later. I then went to my room and slept. Since we all know I'm like the master and leader at Fazbear's, I always saw the furture and what would happen. I saw that it showed how Goldie would find a way back in. I frowned and just tossed and turned in bed trying not to dream about that.

Springy's P.O.V:
After P.P left, I got scared. I saw that y/n was sleeping still so I hugged her and started sleeping peacefully. I started hearing Vincent's voice. I got scared..then he said," Y/n doesn't love you. She's using you. You'll never be with her. Your brother will have her. Quit trying loser." I cried and hugged y/n tighter. I then slept in peace.

Your P.O.V:
I heard Springy crying. He started hugging me tighter. I patted his back making him stop crying. He then fell asleep and I smiled. I didn't let go of him then I started sleeping...

~~~Time Skip~~~

I woke up to see Springy was still asleep. I looked at my phone and almost got blinded by my brightness. I frowned and turned it down a bit. I went to look through my apps and saw an ad for a writing thing called Whattpad? I shruged and downloaded it. I then started reading some fanfics that was SpringTrap x reader. I smiled and most of the time fangirled. I soon stopped and saw it was 11am. I rolled out of Springy's bed and went to the kitchen. I saw Phantom Chica and Phantom Mangle looking at me. And yes they were in human form. I then said," hi...?" They looked at eachother then said," HI!! Are you the girl Springy was talking about!? He sure talked about you alot!!" They giggled and I blushed alot. "Oh you are!! Lucky ducky!!" Phantom Mangle said. She hugged me and Phantom Chica then said," ya gals wanna cook something for the boys?" I smiled and nodded. Phantom Chica said she was dating Phantom Foxy, Phantom Mangle said she was crushing on Phantom Puppet and then they asked," so..are you crushing on someone here?" They smirked and I covered my face since I was blushing so much. "Yes...?" I said. "WHO!! WHO!!" they squealed. I looked down and blushed," Springy..." They both fangirled so much I blushed. After what about seemed like years of them fangirling, we started making some pizza. We were talking about our lives a bit and stuff like that. Once the pizza was in the oven, I saw the door swing open. Phantom Mangle and Phantom Chica squealed. I saw Springy and his messy hair walk in. He was so cute like that. Then he said," y/n...why did you leave the bed..I was feeling lonely." I blushed and realized P.C. and P.M. (Phantom Chica and Phantom Mangle) fangirling then saw Springy was slowly falling asleep on my shoulder. I blushed and saw P.M. walk out as well as P.C. I blushed and patted Springy's head.

P.C. P.O.V:
Me and P.M. walked out to leave Springy and y/n alone. They were so cute together. Phantom Foxy walked up to me and I smiled. He lifted me up bridal style which made me blush. P.M. was like so fangirling. Since she and P.F. were siblings she always fangirled about us. We were best friends ever since like kinder. Once I was in like high school, I realized I was in love with her older brother. I never felt like that in my life since I was new to the love thing. P.M. found out and then told me her brother liked me too. We then were set up on a blind date and we were so nervous that we blushed when one of us talked. Well we did and then we started dating and that's how we started dating. I started smiling and then we went to the kitchen to see that y/n and Springy were gone. I know what they did. I smiled and then....

Heya peeps!! Sorry I haven't wrote in such a long time but I promise I will write more soon. I had some personal things going on and stuff. It took up so much time but I swear I will make more time for more chapters. Btw 967 words!? Wowieee!! And btw peeps I was wondering if I should write a JackSepticeye x reader cuz I read so much of those so comment if y'all think I should. Anyways bye bye peeps.

~Shadow Springy

The New Freddy's (Human!SpringTrap x Depressed Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora