Chapter 2: Who Are You

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Well here's another chapter enjoy. Info you need:
                y/n= your name
              m/n=middle name
                   l/n= last name
?????? P.O.V:
Oh no....what am I gonna do...she'll never love me. Then she walked up to me and I covered my mouth. I wasn't ready....then I changed into my human form.

Your P.O.V:
I saw him. He had dirty golden hair and cuts all over,tons of bandages, a dirty gold shirt with a black vest + tie and golden pants. He even had rabbit ears. One was half broken and the other was broke. I almost died of how cute he was.

?????? P.O.V:
She stared at me and I didn't know what to do but teleport away but she followed. She seemed unusual for a girl. Most girls run away in fear but no she was different...maybe I should get to know her. I smiled to myself then went to find her

Your P.O.V:
I saw him standing there. We looked at eachother for a moment then I said,"um...h..hi...." I didn't know why I was nervous. I was never nervous. I felt my face and it was burning then he chuckled. I just looked at him in confusion.

?????? P.O.V:
Aww she was blushing..wait does she like she can't she's too good for me.. I looked at her and chuckled but she looked at me like I gave her a math problem. "Sup kid, you seem nervous what's up?" I asked her. "Well never got your name....?"she said in her soft voice of hers.

Your P.O.V:
I was so nervous and then he said, "sweetheart call me Springy." Springy winked as I blushed at what he called me. "So my little cutie who are you?"the adorable rabbit said. "Well is y/n m/n l/n but most people call me y/n.," I said nervously. "What a beautiful name for such a beautiful girl," Springy said as he kissed my hand. I blushed at what he did and he the covered his hands on my lips. I didn't know what to do then......

Mwahaha cliffhanger again >:)
Hope ya loving it cuz this is my 1st fanfic and omg 384 words omg longer than before

~Shadow Springy

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