Chapter 46

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My nightmares are ended by someone kicked my shins. I sit up startled and scramble to my feet. Tucker tells me to follow him and he leads me down the hallway. The house is brighter inside with sunlight shining through the cracks in the blinds. We climb down the stairs and down another hallway into a brightly lit kitchen. The photographer sits at the table sipping a cup of coffee.

"Get her something to eat," he mumbles to Tucker.

I stand awkwardly in the middle of the kitchen waiting for a command. Tucker pours some cornflakes into a bowl and splashes some milk on top. He sets it on the table with a spoon and I take a seat opposite the boss. I stare at the food uncomfortably. My stomach rumbles but I'm so nervous I don't want to eat.

"What do you say?" the boss asks.

"Thank you," I mumble.

"Thank you, what?" He raises an eyebrow at me.

"Thank you, daddy," I say softly.

I finish the small bowl quickly. I didn't realize how hungry I was until I finished and wanted more. I try to avoid eye contact with the boss as he stares at me.

"Tucker," he barks, "go get her clothes."

Tucker hurries out of the room and comes back a few minutes later with a grocery bag. He chucks it into the table next to me and the boss tells me to change.

In front of everyone? I look around at Tucker and the boss embarrassed as I slowly stand up and start to undress. I pick out the clothes from the bag to reveal a short tight mini dress.

I quickly slip it on trying to stretch it longer but it just keeps springing back up to its position right below my butt. The boss nods and tells Tucker to take me back to my room.

I spend the rest of the day curled up on the floor crying until I have no more tears left. Its dark outside before I'm remembered. A new man comes into the room to collect me and lets me use the bathroom before he takes me downstairs. The living room is filled with men in suits sipping alcoholic drinks and I cringe at their stares up and down my exposed body.

One of them slaps my butt and I jump.

He chuckles along with some other men and I can't help but have the urge to chop off each of their balls. I tuck my greasy hair behind my ears as the boss enters the room.

"Good evening gentleman," he greets smiling, "bids are starting at 8,000 and begin now. She'll do anything you ask, but if you're not sure, feel free to test her out."

The men smirk and the boss raises a glass to toast. He leaves the room and I'm stuck here with a bunch of horny men wanting to see me naked. Tucker stands in the doorway watching the men as they touch and prod me, laughing at my defensive reactions.

Several of the men ask me to take off my dress but I refuse, shaking my head. The one who escorted me from my room gives me a warning glare but I still resist. I've upset the man closest to me and he slaps me across my face.

"You do as you're told bitch," he barks.

I cry as I slip the dress off and the men stare at my naked body. Their stares send shivers through my body.

The time passes slowly, but soon the boss emerges and tells the men that time is up. Some of them groan in complaint but I send a thanks to the heavens. The men collect their coats and sip the last of their drinks before slowly leaving the house. When the room is empty I put my clothes back on and wait.

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