Chapter 10 (sorry still don't know what to name it)

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... I was about to walk away when I heard a faint "Jace"
"Clary" I turned and ran back to her
"Jace, please don't let him take me again" Clary  sobbed into my chest. This wasn't the Clary I knew. This Clary was how do I say it. Broken. I held her closely and listened as sobs racked her body. Shortly after they stopped and she sat up. I moved back to give her some space. "I'm gonna kick his demonic little *ss. There is my feisty Clary. "Jace" she said "you know I love you right?" " I know baby" and with that she fell asleep. I chuckled to myself and turned to see Magnus in the doorway. "Go talk to Alexander, he needs you, I'll watch over biscuit." It was at this moment that i realized that throughout this entire ordeal I haven't really gotten a chance to talk to Alec. I headed to Izzy's room where I knew I would find him. "Alec" he turned his head. "I just wanted to let you know that Clary woke up a few minutes ago and she's back to sleep now but I think she's gonna be okay." He nodded and I gulped taking a step forward. "Also I uh wanted to ask" I scratched the back of my neck awkwardly. Even though I love Alec more than my life and I would do anything for him I'm not a super mushy person and Clary is pretty much the exception. I decided to come right out and say it. " Are you okay?" He unexpectedly gave me one of his trademark Alec Lightwood smiles (pictured in the media box above) and said "I think we might just be okay Jace. We have Clary and I know for sure there is no way I'm letting him get to her again, Izzy is going to be okay and my family is all back together again." Wow he considers us a family. That means a lot coming from Alec. "Maybe we will be alright." " Even though we still have a demon to kill that wants every single one of us dead and the love of my life to be his, we might just be alright.

A/N hey guys! So I know this chapter is super short and only in Jace's P.O.V, sorry. Please vote,comment, and share this story! I love reading your comments and hearing what you think. We got a little parabatai action in this chapter!! In other news check out my new story "The ride of my life". So far only the prologue is up , but it'll definitely give you a taste of what's to come! Don't forget about #saveshadowhunters !!! A quick update on that: so far we have reached over 150k signatures on the petition, we have had billboards in Times Square, San Diego, South Korea, and Toronto. Bus ads are on double decker busses in London I believe, but I'm not sure. A plane with a banner reading #saveshadowhunters was flown over Netflix headquarters in Los Angeles and over $20,000 was raised for the Trevor project. This is amazing! And if you don't watch Shadowhunters or have no idea what I'm talking about, sorry you can ignore all that. Don't forget to comment!!!


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