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Clary P.O.V
It's been maybe an hour since Sebastian put this rune on me. I still have all my injuries and I'm worried that if any of my friends see them when he sends me to the institute they might pry and end up getting hurt. I could never let him hurt them. Jace, Izzy, Alec, Simon, and Magnus are like family to me and I couldn't bear the thought that he would hurt any of them because of me. I'll have to be strong and not let the pain show.

Izzy P.O.V
"Simon tell me clary's gonna be okay" I looked at him pleadingly and I could tears welling up in my eyes threatening to spill over. "Iz, Clary is one of the strongest people I know, and the fire inside her is impossible to extinguish. She'll never give up." His words brought some comfort to me, but I knew what he was saying was the truth. Clary was strong and brave and determined. We're going to find her and she's going to be okay. Simon ducked down and his lips met mine. At that moment the tears that had been threatening me finally spilled over. Simon pulled me into a hug and we just sat there, me crying my eyes out, simon running my back soothingly and comforting me.

Alec P.O.V
"How's the tracking coming Magnus?" "I think it's going to work but it will take some time." When I heard Magnus say this I felt tiny bits of hope at finding Clary soon being demolished. "Ok" I replied willing my voice to be strong and not show how worried I was about her. God she grew on me. I remember when I first met her and all I wanted was for her to be gone. Now I want her to be back here, even with her fiery red hair, sassy personality, and her nerdy comic book references. Magnus must have sensed my worry as he came over and placed a comforting hand on my shoulder.

Jace P.O.V
I miss clary. I need to find her. Angel knows what Sebastian is doing. If only I could make that tracking spell work faster. I have to stay strong and focused so we can find her.

Clary P.O.V
Sebastian came back to the room handing me some gear so mine couldn't be traced. Weapons  not included, not surprised. After repeating the rules and making sure it was clear to me that if I told a soul and tried to get away from him, he would find me and my friends and bad things would happen. I don't know for sure what "bad things" he means but I do know that I didn't plan on finding out. My name was to be Rachael Silvershadow while I was at the institute. He opened a portal and with a wicked grin pushed me through.

Jace P.O.V
I was sitting in the library when a message appeared. I called for the rest to come in. Alec and Magnus came running straight in followed by a worried looking Simon and a disheveled looking Isabelle. Alec cautiously stepped forward and opened the message. It was a picture with a note attached. As soon as I saw the flaming red hair I knew who it was, it was my Clary. She was pushed up against a wall by Sebastian and he was holding a knife. The message read " Dear shadowhunters, I am quite unimpressed that you haven't even broken ground with that tracking spell yet. Remember the clock is ticking and this picture is proof that it's running out." Izzy looked horrified and I felt a sense of burning rage and anger. I couldn't control it. I was about to punch the wall when I stopped when I heard the doorbell. All of us made our way downstairs.

Clary P.O.V
Damn my injuries hurt. He didn't even give me a stele, but I have a feeling even if he did an iratze wasn't going to help. I approached the steps of the institute and took a deep breath. Then I rang the doorbell.

Jace P.O.V
I opened the door and on the step was a brown haired girl. "Hello, my name is Rachael Silvershadow. I'm a transfer from the Seattle Institute."

A/N hey guys so I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I know I have been really sucky with updating but I'm currently doing standardized testing, but after that I hope to be able to write more often! Also I didn't proofread this chapter so I'm sorry if it's messy. So we got a little bit of Sizzy and a sprinkle of Malec in this chapter! We should see a lot more of them coming up! Also what do you think is going to happen with Rachael Silvershadow (clary). Will her true identity be revealed??? Leave your thoughts in the comments! As always please comment, add, and vote! Thanks so much for reading!! Love-S

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