Lost.... or found?

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Jace gasped as he saw red pooling around her. Was it her blood? Was she going to be ok? Jace's face contorted into a shocked look as he whispered one simple word. 

Jace's P.O.V.

"Clary." Red streaked through the brown hair she had pinned up. But it wasn't blood. Now I mean don't get me wrong there was blood, but this. This was hair. It continued to change. It had completely changed into the messy, curly, fiery red mane I knew so well and had been dreaming about for the past days. "Clary!" I yelled again. I ran to her and picked her up. This was my Clary. Sebastian must have put a glamour rune on her and I knew it wouldn't be long till he came to collect her. I turned around and saw Izzy and Alec running toward me. I heard Izzy gasp and stop short. I turned and made sure she was okay. Alec was holding onto her arm and suddenly she passed out. Then I saw it. A large cut on her arm. From a remaining demon. Alec turned around and with a perfect arc sliced off the demons head. I looked down at my precious Clary. Her eyes were closed, but the way her face was scrunched up showed me that she was in immense pain. Suddenly sparks appeared and a swirling portal opened up. At first I thought it might be Sebastian and prepared to fight, but then the image of Magnus in the institute infirmary appeared. I looked at Alec and ran through the portal, him and Izzy close behind.

Sebastian P.O.V
Unfortunately the shadowhunters aren't dumb enough to think she's safe with them and I'll just let her be. I can't believe that damn demon ruined my plan. But as they say, if plan A doesn't work there is still 25 more letters. Frankly, I think this happening kinda caused some things to fall into place. With one injured and them all worrying about Clary I have leverage. As I'm thinking about it maybe I'll just leave her be till they treat her wounds, heal her. Then swoop in and take her. Truly crush any hope they have. And then she will be MIME forever.... 'cue evil laughing'

Clary P.O.V
All I felt was pain. All I saw was darkness, but yet, it was comforting. I felt at ease. In the arms of the person I love most in the world. I knew that I could easily slip away. Let all the pain and suffering end. Be done with it all. But I wanted to be selfish and live. Just this once. I wanted to be selfish and stay with my family and friends and Jace. I wanted to get married, have kids, be an artist, but no one ever said we always get what we want. I felt the war between my head and my heart. My heart told me to stay. My head told me to let go. But i knew one thing for sure. I had to choose quickly because the internal battle I was facing was sure to kill me if I didn't.

A/N Hey guys I'm so sorry this is short and like really awful. I haven't updated in a while and I wanted to get this out and make sure y'all knew I wasn't leaving you hanging. So when I was writing this I kinda just let my fingers take over and type so..  yeah it's a little strange. Also I know I switch pov's a lot so sorry if that bothers you. On to happy news.. school is finally out (ok I'm not gonna lie it's been out for like 2 weeks) I can hopefully update more. Also be on the lookout for a new book I hope to be starting soon. It doesn't have anything to do with the TMI world but I have a few ideas that I think might be pretty good. I'll let you know later on about that. Please comment. Good or bad. It really helps me when people comment so I know that your actually reading and I know if your liking it or not!! Also please vote and share!! Don't forget about the #saveshadowhunters either!! Also please let me know In the comments what you think is gonna happen to Clary and the gang. And one more thing sorry about the super long authors note and my short and sucky chapter!

Will clary follow her head or her heart?
Will Sebastian succeed in crushing their hope?
And will they have a happy ending??

Love,always,~ S

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