The hunt

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Jace gasped as he saw the red pooling around her. Was it blood? Or something else"

4 hours earlier
Clary P.O.V
I must have fallen asleep sometime late last night. I heard a knock on my door. It was Alec. "Hey Rachael, briefing in the library in 5". "Thanks Alec" I replied. I got up and winced. Sebastian's glamour covered my injuries but I sure as hell still felt them. No, I told myself. You will not be weak and you will protect your friends no matter the cost.  I put clean gear on that I found in the closet and headed to the library.

Izzy P.O.V
As soon as we found out the tracking spell didn't work Jace stormed  off and didn't come home til late. Alec and Magnus went to bed and  Simon had to go to the Dumort to talk to Raphael. I was all alone. Normally I would have Clary here, but she's not...

Clary P.O.V
"As you all know we are gathered to make a game plan about Clary. The tracking spell did not work." I heard Alec saying these things, but I was focused on Jace. He looked so grief stricken and pained, and all i wanted to do was reach over and hug him, hold his hand, tell him everything was going to be all right that I was going to be all right. But I couldn't. And for the first time not because that would blow my cover but I really wasn't sure everything was going to be okay. Memories of Sebastian flooded my mind and I quickly looked away.

Jace P.O.V
There was something about Rachael. Kind of like this air of familiarity. I don't think I've ever met her before, but maybe I've seen her in Idris before or something. I quickly forget about her and continue thinking about Clary. The way her eyes gleam when she's happy and the way her hair reflects in the light perfectly. Or how her smile is contagious. All I want is my Clary.

Alec P.O.V
I heard ringing and I knew what it meant as soon as it started. "Demons" I said. I checked the map and there seemed to be a group downtown. "Alright. Everyone gear up and get weapons. Get some food if you haven't already and meet here in an hour. We've got demons to hunt.

Clary P.O.V
I tried a healing rune but it just barely took the edge off the pain and it came back within seconds. Ugh. I guess I'm going to have to tough it out. I walked into the library and everyone was there waiting.

Izzy P.O.V
Getting to hunt is the perfect distraction from all this Clary stuff. I want to find her as much as anyone, but maybe this will be good.

Clary P.O.V
We headed downtown and scouted around for the demons. Then I heard Izzy's familiar voice. "Looks like we've got company" I turned around and a horde of probably 50 demons were there. I knew the capabilities of my friends and these were easy to kill so I wasn't too worried, but I also knew that these demons were extremely poisonous and dangerous. We had backed them into an alley and I saw Izzy slash out with her whip. Next thing I knew everyone was springing into action. I heard Alec and Jace name their blades and i saw them light up. I pulled out my seraph blade and whispered "Ithuriel" It lit up in a blaze of heavenly glory and i sprung into action arcing into two demons at once. As I landed I felt the pain in my ribs shoot up through my body. I almost let out a scream, but I forced it down. I couldn't let Sebastian have them. I heard Izzy yell "Rachael watch out!" but it was too late. I couldn't react quick enough because of my injuries and the demon sliced through my abdomen. I fell to the ground and saw Jace slice the demon in half. "Ja-" I stuttered and then the darkness consumed me. 

Jace gasped as he saw red pooling around her. Was it her blood? Was she going to be ok?  Jace's face contorted into a shocked look and whispered one simple word. 

HAHA cliffhanger! I know I'm awful! I would like to thank you all for reading!  We're up to 104 reads.  That's amazing! You guys are my inspiration to keep writing this story.  Please vote and comment if you would like to! Also let me know in the comments what you think Jace said, what's going to happen to "rachael" and will Sebastian swoop in??  I would also like to point up that this is my 2nd update this week and that is good for me! I will try to update soon. When school ends I should  have more time to update. I'm thinking there will be 2-3 more chapters left, but I'm considering doing a sequel. Thanks for reading and thanks for being so amazing! Also comment how you thought this chapter was and if you enjoyed how I wrote it or not. Constructive criticism is always welcome! And sorry this chapter is short. It feels so long when I'm writing it! Also sorry for the super long authors note!

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