Breaking Point

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Warning: this chapter contains some mature content

Clary P.O.V
Sebastian has brought me to a strange club/casino. Downworlders and Shadowhunters alike were dancing and drinking. He led me through the crowd and through a curtain which led to another more private room. There was a large table on one side and a group of people sat around it. "Who have you got there Seb?" said the boy on the end with jet black hair. "Everyone, I would like you to meet my sister Clarissa." Sebastian says. He motions for me to sit down and when I do he leans in and whispers "behave" in my ear. He introduces his group of friends to me. Raf, he has brown eyes and brown hair, Monica, who has pink hair and purple eyes, Clif, who has blonde hair and blue eyes, and on the end Seth, with black hair and very dark brown eyes. "Is Diego here yet?" Sebastian says. Clif shakes his head no just as a waitress wearing a scrimpy uniform walks in. Sebastian orders a bunch of drinks and the waitress walks out. I could feel my heart beating faster than normal. I ached for Jace and my family. I still had wounds from the demon blood and my ribs were still cracked and causing me a lot of pain. Then I thought about these people. Were they mundane? They didn't have runes and didn't look like demons. I was pulled out of my thoughts when the waitress came back carrying a platter of drinks. Seth distributed them all out. The first one was strangely blue and fizzy but the look Sebastian was giving me was telling me to drink it. As soon as I did I felt a buzzing sensation. Like my veins were electrified. I felt more realaxed. I gulped down two more drinks. The curtain moved aside and a young man walked in carrying a bag. "Diego! Finally! Have you got the stuff" Monica asks. She seemed fairly quiet and timid at first but after she crawled onto Seth's lap and proceeded ,drunkenly, to confess her undying love for him, I realized I was wrong. She's a wild party girl. Diego opened up the bag and everyone reached in. They all pulled out things that resembled cigarettes. Clif handed me one and I took it. "They're faerie drugs." Clif explained. I guess I must have looked confused. Sebastian leaned over and lit up. Reluctantly I put it to my lips and took a drag.

Alec P.O.V
Jace is was stressed about Clary, Izzy was stressed about Clary, Magnus was stressed about Clary, now I'm stressing about Clary. She's become like a little sister to me. And seeing the people I love so upset isn't helping. I can feel sadness and anger. Izzy seems really worried too. I wonder if there is something she's not telling us.

Izzy P.O.V
I'm worried about Sebastian is doing to Clary. I'm the only one she told about what happened when he attacked her when she was trying to save Jace. I feel like I should tell Jace and Alec, but I don't want to worry them more.

Clary P.O.V
As soon as I took a drag I felt all my control slip away. Suddenly there were vibrant colors flashing around me and I was having the greatest time of my life. A few minutes later I was, I guess you could say, higher than hell on those faerie drugs. Sebastian grabbed my hand and started leading me somewhere. Some small part of  my brain was telling me I shouldn't go with him, but it was overpowered by the other part telling me he's my brother, he's not gonna hurt me. He led me into a storage room and locked the door. He stared at me for a minute before pushing me into the wall. He leaned down and kissed me ferociously. At first I kissed back, the faerie drugs were causing me to forget why I shouldn't kiss him and why I was ever scared of him. Then my brain snapped out of it and I realized who he was. I tried pushing him off and yelling "get off me". He backed away slightly and said "Dear Clarissa, I suppose you will remember this tomorrow." He pushed me back up against the wall. My efforts were futile. He did what no brother ever should. After what seemed like hours but was probably just a few minutes, darkness came and I blacked out.

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