Cute Brat

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We can see from a far, a tall boy of 183 cm is walking with a hunched back. He would occasionally kicked some gravel along the way. He is not on a great mood today and maybe he won't ever be.

His high school uniform is in a bad condition; it's worn and torn and it's usual pristine white colour is now turned to grey.

His school bag is not too different. It has holes in several place, and barely contained his books. The colour couldn't be defined, it's not known whether it's black, brown, or grey or it was a white.

His shoes? it's still in a fair condition since the football coach gave him a pair of shoes from a retired player around half a year ago.

The only thing that's good in him is his appearance. An aunty who lives next to his shabby one roomed-apartment said that he is good looking which isn't entirely wrong. He is really handsome, and if he has time to take care of his looks he would be a top notch actor.

But all he cared about is how to have three course meal everyday. As an orphan who just left his orphanage, it's a luck if he can eat properly three times a day.

And that luck just don't want to say hello to him today. His milk, that was given by that kind hearted aunty next door was spilled when he accidentally trampled over a stone. Now he has to bear with an empty stomach until lunch time or dinner time, or whenever he has some food.

He finally reach the school gate, barely on time since the gate was about to close. But suddenly a luxury car is screeching his way and almost hit him.

"HEY! mother fucker!! watch your fucking way you leech!!" He screamed at the top of his lung.

Zhao Yunlan is very well known as a gangster for his unsighty appearance and brash language, not that he cared. He punch the car with his fist so hard that a loud 'clang' sound was heard.

The car stop, and Zhao Yunlan fumed, unmoving from where he stand. A burly man came out, and points at him before shout at him back.

"You brat! Do you have any idea who is it you've swearing against! You scum!" That burly man shoved the thin boy until he fell to the ground, panting, but his eyes shine with mischieve light.

That boy recovers quickly and dust himself off. "Who do you think you are? Don't mess up with me, old man! i can make you cry blood in front of me!"


The one inside the car clearly disturbed; it's still early in the morning and his chaffeur is already engaged in a fight? He'll make sure he will get fired.

At this rate he will be late. And he never late. That irked him to no end, and he decided to look at the source of the commotion.

Through his sound proofed window he cranes his neck to see who's infront of his crappy chaffeur, and he was startled by what he sees.

That must be the cutest brat he's ever seen. Tall and slender, his milky white skin is unfalter by his not so appropriate uniform. His lips were as red as a ripen cherries, and there's something about those eyes that's awaken something inside the person's heart.

He smiles. He would love to have another prey, he hopes that this one will at least last longer than his other prey.

He is the son of the most prominent aristocrat, the wealthiest and most powerful family that practically runs the country. Someday he will inherit everything from his father, and he is more than willing to.

He's not like his older brother, who is too reserved to himself and refused to inherit their family's business.

He decided to come out of the car to teach the cutie his place, that is, inside his wings.

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