Chapter Six

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I walked outside, it was still gloomy and rainy. I looked up at the sky as a light drizzle of rain fell down. I sighed and covered my head with my hood. I began walking down the street, trying to slip my arm into the other strap of my bag. 

I passed by a few people who covered their heads with books, newspapers, or just simply used an umbrella. I sighed, letting a crisp cloud of my own breath be visible. 

I soon arrived at the Dream Cafe. I pushed the door open letting the bell above me ring, "Welcome to the dream cafe." A man said, smiling. I smiled back and shortly waved before taking off my hood. I wandered over to a booth in the back, there wasn't many people here. 

Just a girl, with long black hair and black clothing, on the other side of the cafe. She seemed very interested in whatever she was looking at. 

I paid her no mind and just grabbed my laptop out of my backpack, I pulled it out and logged in. 

"Why are you back here?" I heard. It's been a few days since I last 'saw' her, so this caught me off guard. "I wanted to study," I said simply, a little lower to myself because I knew something was off and if she was just a figment of my crazy imagination, I didn't want the people working here to kick me out for disrupting the people, or should I say, person here. 

"You shouldn't be here when the weather is like this, you know. Rain has never been good." I looked out the glass window close by me. "It's not that bad." I mumbled. I felt her grab my arm so I froze. "It's not good here, you know that, right?" I shook my head. "No, I see nothing wrong with anything happening. What do you even mean?" The girl looked over at me, the one I was inspecting earlier. She seemed to be confused, but I couldn't tell... She was wearing sun glasses. 

I looked back at her just as confused so she just shrugged and looked away. "Your house is safe." I sighed. "Leave me alone." I sat back into my booth. "No, we have to go-" I cut her off. "We? I don't even know who the hell you are." She stopped speaking and was silent, for a moment, I thought she left. But soon she spoke out again, "I can't tell you who I am." 

"Why?" I asked. "Because, if I did... there'd be consequences." I scoffed. "Like what?" 

"You'd know something I don't particularly want you to know, Y/n." I bit my lip. "What do you not want me to know?" This was getting on my nerves a bit, I didn't understand and it was bothering me. Why couldn't she just tell me?

"The truth." I pondered that. "What truth?" I was trying to pry her open, I wanted her to tell me the truth. Though, I'm not the kind of person who pressures people, I thought this was an absolutely ridiculous thing to do. I couldn't know her name, after already kinda seeing her and knowing her longer than a day?

"The truth of who I am." I wanted to ask who she was, but I saw no point in continuously asking her the same thing over and over and not getting really anywhere. I already knew she didn't want me to know who she was, that answer was pointless and led me no where. I had no idea who she was and her being like this did nothing. 

"Are you done, yet?" 

"I guess." I spoke. "Okay. I have to go now, being here isn't good for my spirit." I furrowed my eyebrows, confused as to what she meant. Maybe she was joking, some people say that. But it's just an odd thing to say after a serious conversation, especially because we have never really been joking to each other. Unless it was sarcasm. Sarcasm, maybe she was being sarcastic. 

I doubted it. 

But there wasn't really any other logical explanation. Unless she was being serious, but even if she was, I still had no idea what she meant.

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