That witch presence will not destroy my joy for today.

When I arrive I instantly see Kayla looking at my secretary with her googly eyes while on the other hand, Jaquilin ignores her.

'' You know that pick up line is so old and lame that my nieces can make up with a plausible one'' Comments Jaquilin as she busies herself by tapping her tablet. It seems the rejection and the comment didn't affect Kayla as she continues to smile foolishly at my secretary and said: Baby if you were words on a page, you'd be a FINE print.''

That's is so cheesy that I can almost dip my nachos in it.

'' Do you want my fingerprint on your face?!'' says Jaquilin clearly irritated on Kayla's pick up lines.

'' Oh yes please, that only shows I'm yours.'' Imbecile! Jaquilin is a person that will never back down on her words!

So before the thing gets messy I walk between the two, turn to face Jaquilin, and told her to do what she needs to do.

''Aw woman, I'm so close!''  Whines, Kayla as she crosses her arms disappointed.

'' You're close to being hospitalized fool! You know Jaquilin for 3 years and you know how hard she can beat people up!''

'' Don't overreact, Yash. Chill! She likes me, I know.'' She smirks and left me there in the lobby with that idea in her head.

She's so full of herself. I thought to myself, shaking my head in the process.

I look around the lobby looking for my A cup girl but she's not here.

Let's go for a treasure hunt, shall we?

*******ON ALEENA'S SIDE********

Aleena's POV

Ever since that time in the bathroom, my head is all over the place. Things are getting harder for me to do since my da boss's daughter doesn't want to leave this building. Based on my info she's supposed to be overseas handling her father's other company, bigger than this one.

And what's annoying the most is she always calls me to her office ordering me around even though it's my lunchtime! Plus these heels are killing me I feel like thorns are laying underneath my feet, penetrating my flesh at every step I take.

She has a secretary why can't she order her around instead of me?

Maybe she's trying to piss you off since you've been slapping her face since she came here?! - shouts my inner self.

Well, first of all, no boss in a sane state of mind would touch a stranger's breast and be kissing them without their consent. - I reason to myself.

But the kiss is a jackp- I shut her out before I continue with my work. The documents that Sir. Philips was asking me have some errors in it and I was late for the group meeting, plus I didn't provide them with any ideas.

I sigh to myself for being unable to concentrate on my job. I was about to put the papers in the blue folder when a loud noise disturbs my train of thought.

'' Uh... mic check, mic check! Ohh it's really working like you said, fly girl!'' Shouts the woman. We hear a smack and a grunt after that.

''Stop acting like a kid Kayla! For god's sake get your hands off of that!'' Oh, so it's Kayla who's playing with the mic. - I think to myself as I continue to listen to them.

'' Oh come on Jaq, I was just testing it'' whines Kayla as she continues on tapping the mic which makes more noises that instantly irritates a lot of my co-workers.

'' Ma'am Kayla is nice but seriously acts like a teen most of the time'' says one of my co-workers as she shakes her head. '' I know right, It's like we have a kid here.'' says the second one.

''But at least Ms. Jaquilin keeps her under control.'' Interrupts the third one. The two co-workers look at the third and nod their heads, agreeing with her comment.

'' Ms. Jaquilin.''corrects Jaquilin.

'' Okay, my boo'' replies Kayly with a hint of glee in her voice, with that the mic turns off then pure silence came afterward. I can feel my body relax for a moment but a ring interrupts it. I grab the phone desk and answer it.

''Ms.Noir, Ms. Vargantes needs you to come in her office right now.'' the man says.

I organized my desk and grab all the documents that I think that perv might asks me for. I cautiously walk to the elevator to prevent any more damage to my feet. I pressed the button, once the elevator stopped I quickly walk out and hurriedly head to that woman's office.

Why can't the world let me not see her face even for a day?!

Once I was close enough to the door I took three deep breathes to calm my nerves. I was about to knock but the door opened itself to reveal Yashashree grinning at me while she sits on her desk with remote on her hand.

I look at her dumbfounded.

''Cool right? I bought it yesterday. You know it's really hard to set it up you know it's too-''

'' Is this why you wanted me here for? Just to see your new toy?'' I ask while I try to get myself under control.

'' Well, I mean-''

Well, it seems like those co-workers of mine are wrong, there's a second one in this building, Yashashree.

I'm so pissed that I got my fist balled up. I shake my head disappointed at how childish she's acting right now.

''I should go'' I say to her, walking closer to her door.


I turn to look at her, I put my hands on my waist waiting for her to speak but it seems like the cat got her tongue. I roll my eyes and proceed to walk towards the door.

'' H-have a lunch with me!'' She shouts so loud as if she's forced.

I look at her puzzled. ''What?''

''Lunch w-with me.''

I look at her for a second to see if she's bluffing but it seems like the more I stare at her the redder cheeks get.

''No funny business? We're only going to eat, right?''

''No, I mean, yes to no funny business.''

'' Okay then,'' I reply to her. With that, I walk out of her office.

After a few seconds, I hear a loud '' Yes!!!''

Idiot I thought to myself as I get in the lift.

To be continued.

It started with her boobs (LESBIAN STORY)Where stories live. Discover now