Jane turned the corner. She picked up a rock the size of her palm and threw it at one of Kenny's men stationed around the Bar. It hit him in the head and he fell off the edge of the roof. All Jane could think about, though, was the last gunshot in the bar. It didn't shoot at Jay. Kenny was the only one with a gun. It must have been aimed at Levi. She couldn't process Levi dead, but the thought passed once or twice in her head. And she was running away. It felt awful, the thought of leaving her man. Jane started to turn back for him but she was swept away as soon as she turned. Jane was in shock but she turned to see who had taken her to fight back. It was Levi. "You're alive!" She said excitedly. He looked at her and smiled a small smile, "I would never leave you."

"Faster!" Jay yelled. Eren sweats heavily as he ran. He collapsed. She went over sat on the ground. "I'm trying to make you better, not kill you." She smiled and took his head, laying in the mud from the rainstorm the night before, and rested it on her legs. She wiped part of his face with a cloth to get the mud off. "Thanks." He said through deep breaths. He looked up at her, "What lesson are you going to give me today." She gave a small laugh. "Don't hesitate. Go hard or go home sort of thing." She said stroking muddy hair from his face. "I know it's good not to hesitate, but why didn't you give me a story of how you messed up and learned that lesson?" She stared at her hand, "I hesitated on my first mission..." Eren lifted his head and sat next to her. "I'm sorry, I, uh, heard what happened then." He put his arm around her and brought her into a hug. He did this to comfort her. Eren could feel tears seeping into his shirt. "I hesitated to attack once the Titan grabbed Farlan." She paused a second, "Thanks for being my friend." He smiled but Jay would never know he did, "I'm here for you because you're here for me, helping me."

"Wait, where's Jay?" Jane asked as she and Levi swerved to miss Kenny's crew. "It was either her or you. I made the decision benefitting me." Jane struggled to get loose from his grasp, "Jay is injured! She should be the one getting helped not me." Levi sighed, "Stop thinking of other people and think about yourself for once." Tears filled Jane's eyes. "Please don't cry," Levi said. "If you love me," he continued, "then leave her behind and let me save you." "Fine," Jane said quietly as she nestled her face in his shoulder.

Jay jumped into the lake a few miles away from the Scouting Regime Base. It was late afternoon. She felt something grabs her hips and come up out of the water. She laughed as Reiner came up and kissed her on the cheek. "I'm glad you can find a place for us to be together during the day." He said. "I am too." She responded by kissing him. Her arms wrapped around his neck. "Will you love me forever?" He asked as she laid her head on his bare shoulder. "Forever and always." They both had a laugh at the thought of Jean getting nervous around Jay. He smiled, "Never forget our dream, getting married and ruling over the world as titans... You are my Armored Queen." Jay smiled too, "Whatever makes you happy." "Do you have a different dream?" He asked. "Being with you is my dream. I'm ready for whatever is next."

Jane was dropped. She turned into a wolf to break her fall and ran after the moving wagon with Jean and Armin in it. She jumped and landed in the back of the wagon next to Jean. She turned back and looked for Jay. No sign of her anywhere. Jane sighed and sat down. They raced to get out of the city. A few hours pass. They all sat in the barn over a fire. Jane was laying her head on Levi's shoulder as his arm wrapped around her. Jay hadn't come back all night. Jane was worried as she always was. It took Levi a lot of convincing her that Jay was probably already healed and on her way for Jane to calm down. After a few minutes, Jane fell asleep. "Jane?" Jean asked. He was next to Levi. Jane didn't respond. Jean looked at Levi. "She is dead asleep." Levi looked at her. He smiled as he stroked a piece of her long thick black hair away from her face. He picked her up in his arms and carried her to a pile of hay. He set her down and took off his shirt and put it as her pillow. He kissed her on the head and whispered, "I love you."

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