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Uma's Pov
I woke to screams and pleads and I was confused but when I got to the door their Mal holding Merida by her throat so I quickly push Mal's hand and she dropped Merida and I restrained her while Ben got Merida up and I dropped mal and ran to Merida and she said that she was getting ready for a jog when Mal asked her what she was doing and she told her and she got suspicious and asked her again until it lead to these point! So I walked Merida to my room and she laid on my bed and I got her some healing cream because of Mal and that just fuel the fire! So I left to see if Gil knew and when I opened the door Gil and Harry was their so I let them in and Gil sat and talked to Merida while I got water for her and when I came back their was Ben pleading for our forgiveness he's just scared that we might seek revenge but that's the whole I'm here! For everyone on the Isle since the others lost their true spark! I sat down and watched him smiling evilly and I whisper in his ear and he was uneasy but he agreed and I just sat back and laughed! Because he think that this is all we wanna do?! But I kept my smile and laid on Harry as Ben walked out all I thought was...Revenge is Sweet!

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