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Uma Pov
Did you really think that I Uma would got to a museum and steal the wand without my crew and did you really think I'll do that out of anger...Well I'm not angry I'm just shocked I guess! I was still in my dorm and then Gil knocked on my door probably praying it wasn't me who set off the alarm...I wanted to not answer so I'll get him worried but I wanted to see who did it so I opened the door and he looked relieved.
Uma we have to go see who stoled it come on! Gil said and so I put on my shoes and went towards the museum to see Harry and Mal talking and as Angel walked out with the guards handcuffed.I smirked as I looked at her getting taken away as I walked towards Harry...Mal had the same look she had back on the Isle when they were dating and it angered me like your dating a Prince and you over talking to your ex ughh...I just cleared my throat and told harry to come with me now and he did and we went back to my dorm And Gil went to his dorm. So I closed the door and Harry sat down on my bed and I looked at him as I got closer and I asked the question I've been wondering... Do you still love her? I asked... And he said Maybe...I don't now anymore Uma because Our love is greater and I paused Our Love? And he looked up and said Uma I think I might love you...I didn't know what to say? Do I love him back and I guess I was taking to long because he got up and was heading for the door but I stopped him by turning him around and kissing him and god did I make a great decision!

The Captain and Her First Mate (HarryxUma) Book: 1Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu