He smirks before he answers, "Lowest level compound room."

"Why?" Confusion obvious in my voice.

"I'm gonna guess that you ended up comin' to my welcome home party last night, I got drunk maybe you got a buzz and we ended up in here havin' make up sex." He chuckles.

Blushing, I throw a fake punch into his arm and then hide my face, "Oh my god. We're both going to have to do a walk of shame you know that?"

"Yeah Doll, I do. Now come on, get up let's go eat and then get Joey from the sitter." He says, moving out of my way.

Friendly banter is how I would describe the way we talked while I got ready. He went a little 'caveman' on me, it was just a shirt. What an asshole he can be, I swear.

Once I'm done, I open the door to see Beast laying on the bed with his arms folded right behind his head just staring at the door.


He nods and pushes himself up from the bed and grabs my hand pulling me along with him. When he opens the door, he moves back a little pushing me back as well. Stepping to the side I see a prospect passed out, who was laying on the door and is now on the floor, "That's Nick."

"This is his room?" I ask in disbelief.

"Yeah so what?" Beast grunts.

Turning, I think of that time a few months ago trying to decide if I really want to start that.

"He uh, well he kind of hit on me.-"

"He fucking what?" His voice rumbles in his chest as he gives the poor kid a death glare.

Pushing Beast back, "Okay. Come on. Let's go, its not that much of an issue. Let's just go, its no problem its over with and has been dealt with." I say in one breath still trying to move Beast's 6'5, 200+ pounds of muscle.

He finally gives a little and takes a step over the kid, he lifts me causing me let out a squill and put me down behind him. He looks down at the kid whose beginning to wake up and looks up at us, he looks at me and I give him a small smile before I mouth, "He knows." as I point at Beast.

Nick's eyes grow wide with fear and regret as Beast steps closer to him and gives him one swift kick to his stomach and the spits, "If you ever as much as look at her or my son again, I will kill you."

With that, he turns and grabs my hand and starts pulling me away. I glance back at Nick to see him groaning and withering around in pain, "Beast you didn't have to hit him that hard, Jesus."

He glanced over me as the sound of his heavy boots echo's throughout the hall, "He tried to get at what's mine. He knew what the fuck he was doing when he did that dumb shit."

"Oookay." I sing as he pulls me into the bar and pushes me into a seat.

Pushing myself up from the chair I turn to go get Joey, "Where you going?" Beast growls.

Rolling my eyes I keep walking and right before I push open the door I look over at him, "To get your son, now please sir, may I go?" 

He growls and stands stalking towards me, before he gets to me I push into the room and close it and lock it before he gets in.

"How was he Kitty?" I ask her looking down to Joey who is still sleeping in the crib.

She walks over to me and smiles down at him, "Wonderful. So now spill," she pauses pushing me lightly, "everything that happened."

Blushing I look away from her prying eyes and laugh, "Well, he got drunk and I got buzzed and we ended up in Nick's room."

"The kid prospect?" She asks surprised.

I nod, "Beast kind of kicked the poor kid in his gut this morning-"

"He interrupt morning sex or what?" She asks as she wiggles her eyebrows in a suggestive way.

I laugh at her childish ways before I shake my head no, "I told Beast what happened because I was shocked we ended up in Nick's room of all the rooms down here!"

Before she can say anything, Beast's familiar growl, "Get my kid and bring your ass Doll, now."

"Welp, that's me. Thank you again Kitty for taking care of Joey, I really do appreciate you so much," I lift Joey and put him into his carrier and then look back up at her, "I love you girl."

"I love you too babe, now go before Beast comes in here guns blazing." She teases and gives me a slight push.

Sighing, I run my hand through my hair and then lift Joey and walk back through the door to the bar. Now the room is full of life, everyone well almost everyone is awake and moving around.

Looking over at the clock I see its nearly two in the afternoon, of course everyone is barely waking. The men must have really partied hard last night and kept going after we left. I put down Joey by Beast and then take a seat opposite the two of them, "Look at my boys!" I cry over the beautiful scene in front of me.

Beast smiles and looks over at me, "I still can't get over the fact you had my kid."

"Well, if we keep doing things like last night, we're going to be getting another surprise." I tease Beast.

He looks up at me, his eyes darkening with desire, "Don't tease me Doll. Don't act like I won't drop Joey with Kitty or Mrs. H and drag you to my room, now keep quiet and eat."

Blushing, I nod and finally dig into the pizza in front of me.

"Why didn't you breastfeed him?" Beast suddenly asks.

Looking up to him I shrug, "Honestly its easier to use formula, especially around here. I'm always being pulled to help patch someone up or cook or clean or whatever else. Its been tough to get the milk glands to chill out."

He nods and looks over to Joey, "Ha little guy, those are all mine."

I kick I'm lightly in his leg and glare at him, "You better stop saying shit like that."

He laughs, a deep rumbling sound from his chest that makes me feel light, airy, happy. 

Leaning back, a little I smile at him and Joey. The two boys I'd doing absolutely anything for.


Hello! I haven't talked to you in awhile, I hope each of you is doing great and well and enjoying Ella and Beast's story. Until next time

- love rose 🌹

Ella's Story ( Devil's Angels MC #1 ) Where stories live. Discover now