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taehyung decided he wanted to stay. it was too warm and relaxing to leave this bed. he oddly liked the cuddling with namjoon and hoseok. though, he could only hope they don't tell the others about what went down or what has been going down.

taehyung sighed softly to himself before letting himself slip into dreamland.


taehyung had woken up hours later to an empty bed, with the exception of him of course, as he looked over and read the alarm clock.

10:28 am.

why did he sleep in so late? and where are hoseok and namjoon?

then it hit him as he heard talking from downstairs. his eyes widened. they aren't telling the others, are they?

the vocalist rushed out of bed and ran to the door, pushing it open only to find that it was barricaded by a dresser so he couldn't get out. what the hell?

taehyung pushed and pushed as hard as he could, but with the little amount of working out he should have been doing, he could barely move it. he was only hurting himself.

"hyungs!" he shouted for help, pushing on the door again. but no response. "hyungs!" he shouted again, but there was still no response. however, he heard his name being spoken downstairs and a couple other words following his name that left him heartbroken.

"...taehyung is hurting himself. hoseok-hyung and i found him in the bathroom last night with his arm bleeding and glass everywhere. he had even stepped on some of the broken glass. he must have punched the mirror."

taehyung stared at the door in shock as he felt tears come to his eyes. his self harming tendencies were his business, not namjoon and hoseok's.

he hit his back against the door and slid down it, pulling his knees to his chest as he just stared at the desk across the room from him as a single tear rolled down his cheek.

"why?" was all he whispered before more tears escaped. his bottom lip wobbled as he started to cry harder, he bit his lip to keep it still but also to keep quiet as he hid his face in his knees and sobbed his little heart out. why can't they just leave him alone? but does he really want to be left alone?.. no..

'help me.'

his head rose from his knees as he looked around the room for some sort of paper and pencil. he shakily stood up and walked towards yoongi's desk and sat at the chair, finding some paper and a pencil, but also yoongi's journal. he pushed that aside, at least having the decency to respect his hyung's privacy as he began to write:

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