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warning: this story contains many possible trigger warnings such as self harm, alcohol, anxiety attacks, and maybe even suicide. read at your own risk.

warning: do not go to the twitter page until you've finished reading the book, there are spoilers posted.



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something was bugging him, that much all the members could figure out. what was bugging him, they couldn't figure out, however.

"on in thirty." a crew member had called to the frantic members who were rushing around to get ready. only one wasn't so eager to finish getting ready. he carelessly walked around, watching everyone get ready as he plopped down in the chair to get his makeup done.

he stared at himself in the mirror, looking at the circles under his eyes and his messy blond hair that he didn't care to fix before they left even though namjoon had told him to fix it, he didn't care to.

meanwhile, yoongi was staring at the boy in concern in the seat a little bit aways from him as he got his fluffy hair styled. usually yoongi hated hair and makeup but this was a good excuse to keep a subtle eye on the other, but yoongi wasn't fooling anyone with how obvious he was being.

"will you stop staring at me?" he snapped at yoongi and yoongi's eyes widened but he chose not to say anything back, else it would start a fight, only glared and rolled his eyes as he looked back at himself in the mirror like he had done before.

"some nerve." yoongi muttered to himself, the other simply ignoring yoongi.

"fifteen." the crew called again, the boy still not giving a shit that they had to be on soon. he could honestly care less.

time passed on, the male just sitting in his seat, making the noonas come to him rather than the other way around which is how it was supposed to be, this was incredibly disrespectful and namjoon shook his head in disappointment.

it's time.

"you're on!" the same damn crew member called and the boy was frankly irritated with his voice, he just wanted him to shut up. he fucking knows when they go on.

he fought the urge to tell the crew member to shut the fuck up as he went on with the rest of the group, now he had to put on an act. this wasn't going to be easy.

as they all ran on and did their introductions, he was rather silent, hoping that all he would have to do today is introduce himself and perform then leave. but that didn't seem to be the case and he was forced to interact with the crowd.

don't get him wrong, he loved army, but today just wasn't his day. or week. or month.

once they finished introductions, they got to their first song, ‘fire’.

he seemed fine.. ish.. for the song, but as they went through the songs, ‘spring day’, ‘dna’, and ‘mic drop’, he seemed more and more agitated and angry, his movements, which were supposed to be gentle, fluid and graceful, were harsh and stiff. it just looked like he was really getting into the song like the rest of the band was, but truthfully, he was just dancing angrily.

he didn't know why he was getting so angry and pissed off while he was dancing, maybe because all the members seemed happy while, he wasn't, it just wasn't fair. or maybe he's just moody like he always seems to be nowadays, never happy. the members are used to it though. except they're not used to him being this rude and snappy, especially his noonas and his hyungs. they always ask him what's wrong but it's usually always the same answer.

'leave me alone. it’s none of your business.'

it broke their hearts but they were losing hope at this point. they thought about trying to get him a therapist in secret to help him but even then, will it help? he can't see a psychiatrist, the side effects of medicine can't be affecting his body in anyway, else he'll get in trouble, so that plan was out. they didn't know what to do anymore. so they just.. let it happen.. it didn't mean they didn't stop trying to come up with ways to help the poor boy.

the concert seemed to drag on forever and usually the male was decently okay with concerts, and yeah sometimes he wishes they end sooner because he's exhausted, but this time, it was a different reason. he just wanted to go home and cry himself to sleep. but what good would that do? it would just happen all over again tomorrow. the thought only made him angrier. he kept trying to drink water to calm himself down but he just couldn't seem to calm down, he was angry, tired, sad.. he just wanted to go home. he wanted to forget about today and sleep for as long as possible..


so what did you guys think? who do you think is the member that's snapping at everybody? you have three choices. it won't determine the next chapter's outcome, i promise. i'm just curious as to who you guys think it is. let me know on this book's twitter at my account @your_euphoria0. make sure you turn on post notifications! thanks again, i love you guys!

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